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2024 Outstanding benefits of Cardamom - Cinnamon | H-for Health Online.

Cardamom - Cinnamon

2024 Outstanding benefits of Cardamom - Cinnamon | H-for Health Online.

We commonly use cardamom for its pleasant aroma in both sweets and spicy dishes. Individuals grappling with obesity can use cardamom powder like a medicinal remedy. It proves effective in reducing obesity and side effects associated with it.

Many scientific research studies have demonstrated the usefulness of cardamom powder in diminishing fatty liver damage caused by obesity.

Let's delve into how cardamom powder aids in weight loss for obese individuals.

Consuming 5 grams of cardamom powder daily, divided into 2.5 grams in the morning and 2.5 grams in the evening if required, obese individuals can take it by mixing it with water or through other means. Scientific research has validated that the intake of cardamom powder in them converts white fat into brown fat.

Brown fat, is a freshly synthesized and stored fat in our bodies, Brown fat stored for an extended period converts to white fat, which burns slowly in the body, But, brown fat burns quickly. If the white fat stored for years transforms into brown fat,.weight loss and fat loss occurs rapidly through exercise and adherence to dietary guidelines.

Scientifically, it has been established that cardamom powder is effective in converting white fat into brown fat. Another significant aspect is that it can increase mitochondria, that can help burn the fat. Cardamom powder has been scientifically proven to enhance metabolism by, increasing the number of mitochondria, resulting in the burning of more calories.

Additionally, when there is leptin resistance, weight tends to increase. Leptin is a hormone responsible for regulating appetite. In obese individuals, the leptin hormone often malfunctions, leading a lack of desire to eat food. When leptin hormone is not functioning properly, the body signals hunger every two hours even after being full.

To address this issue and reduce leptin hormone resistance for proper functioning, cardamom helps.

People with leptin resistance gain control over food intake and develop the ability to abstain for long periods of time. Cardamom powder plays a crucial role in facilitating the proper functioning of the leptin hormone. Furthermore, cardamom powder prevents fat cells from consuming and utilizing fats.

All these benefits of cardamom powder are significantly useful for those struggling with obesity. Another substantial reason for reducing obesity is that cardamom powder aids in eliminating excess accumulated water in the stomach through urine. So, it acts as a natural diuretic. Additionally, cardamom powder provides another benefit to individuals dealing with obesity.

Over time, the fat stored in fat cells undergoes deterioration, similar to how ghee gets discolored and deteriorated when stored for an extended period. This fat degradation leads to inflammation. Obesity triggers excessive inflammation in the body, which, in turn, attacks various organs and causes various health problems. Cardamom powder proves highly beneficial for obese in reducing the inflammation released in the body.


In a research study, participants were given 1.5 grams of cardamom powder in the morning and 1.5 grams in the evening for about 12 weeks, This resulted in a remarkable 60% reduction in inflammation released from fat cells in the body. Inflammation is a root cause of various complications in individuals dealing with obesity. The research has proven that cardamom powder helps reduce inflammation by 60% in a span of 12 weeks.

Let me to explain the compounds in cardamom powder that contribute to reducing inflammation.

These include 1,8-Cineole, beta-pinene, eucalyptol, and several others. These compounds present in cardamom help regulate substances like TNF- alpha, Interleukin-6, and Interleukin-1. The compounds in it play a crucial role in eliminating these interleukins released during inflammation in the body.

The fact cardamom powder effectively reduce inflammation in the bodies of obese individuals, has been proven in 2017, through scientific research conducted in Iran. Lastly, one more aspect to consider is that the livers of obese individuals tend to become fatty. As the condition of fatty liver worsens, the levels of SGOT and SGPT in the body tend to rise.

The liver, when unable to detoxify properly, retains toxic substances in the body without breaking them down, leading to a gradual decrease in purification in the body. Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of cardamom powder in promoting liver health.

A study was conducted by giving 3 grams of cardamom powder involving 83 individuals. They are the individuals who are suffering from fatty liver developed due to obesity. Three grams of cardamom powder were administered daily for ten weeks to them. The results showed a significant decrease in blood triglycerides by 38 mg and a reduction of LDL (bad cholesterol) by 40 mg.

Liver cell ruptures may release substances like SGPT and SGOT from their cytoplasm. They then enter the bloodstream, causing an increase in these levels. Iranian research has demonstrated a decrease in these substances with the use of cardamom powder. As the liver becomes healthier and its metabolism improves, the regulation of fats takes place within the liver.

Thus, cardamom powder proves beneficial for obese in maintaining a healthy liver. Behind the widespread popularity of cardamom powder lies a multitude of scientific wonders. All our sages somehow realized this and introduced the tradition of using cardamom in cooking.


Now I'll explain about Cinnamon

Did you know that sprinkling cinnamon on your morning oatmeal or latte could do wonders for your body? This sweet and spicy seasoning is not just for flavor – it is packed with goodness that can benefit your health in surprising ways. From boosting your metabolism to regulating blood sugar levels, cinnamon has some pretty impressive superpowers. 

#1. Regulates Blood Sugar 

Inside cinnamon, there are compounds called polyphenols. These little guys help your body use insulin more effectively. Insulin is like a key that unlocks the door for sugar to enter your cells. When you have too much sugar floating around, your body can become resistant to insulin, kinda like a stubborn lock that won't move. 

But polyphenols swoop in; they allow sugar to get into your cells where it is needed. Cinnamon also slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in your gut. Normally, when you eat carbs, they quickly turn into sugar, causing a spike in your blood sugar levels. But cinnamon puts the brakes on this process, giving your body more time to handle the sugar. 

And guess what? Studies back this up! There is research in the Journal of Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome showing that cinnamon can indeed lower blood sugar levels, especially in people with diabetes or insulin resistance. 

#2. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease 

Cinnamon helps to lower cholesterol levels. You have probably heard about the good and bad types of cholesterol, right? Well, cinnamon increases the levels of good cholesterol, the HDL, while keeping the bad cholesterol (LDL) in check. This balance is crucial for reducing the buildup of plaque in your arteries, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 

Not only that, but cinnamon also regulates your blood pressure. High blood pressure puts extra strain on your heart, increasing the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that cinnamon lowers blood pressure levels, keeping your heart pumping happily and healthily. And here is the best part – you don't need a ton of cinnamon to get these benefits. 

Just a sprinkle here and there can make a world of difference. Whether adding it to your morning coffee, sprinkling it on your toast, or using it in dishes like curries or stews, incorporating cinnamon into your diet is a delicious way to support your heart health. 

#3. Improves Blood Circulation 

Cinnamon contains compounds that relax and widen your blood vessels. Think of it like clearing out a clogged-up drain – it allows blood to flow more freely throughout your body. This improved circulation means that oxygen and nutrients can reach all your cells more efficiently, keeping them healthy and happy. 

Cinnamon also has a special power to make your blood a bit thinner. This helps prevent it from getting stuck and forming clots, which can cause serious problems like strokes or heart attacks. So, by adding cinnamon to your diet, you are giving your circulation a boost and keeping your heart and blood vessels in top shape. 

#4. Boosts Brain Function 

Inside cinnamon, there are compounds called cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin. These compounds have neuroprotective effects. In simple words, they protect your brain cells from damage and degeneration. One way cinnamon boosts brain function is by increasing levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). 

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is like fertilizer for your brain – it promotes the growth of new neurons and strengthens existing connections between them. This is crucial for your brain to learn stuff, remember things, and keep working properly. Furthermore, cinnamon improves blood flow to the brain. 

The compounds in cinnamon relax blood vessels and improve circulation, ensuring that your brain receives an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. This enhanced blood flow not only nourishes your brain cells but also facilitates the removal of waste products, keeping your brain clean and functioning efficiently. 

#5. Relieves Pain and Soreness 

One way cinnamon helps is by reducing inflammation. You know when you stub your toe, and it gets all red and swollen? That's inflammation. Well, cinnamon swoops in and calms down that inflammation, easing the pain and soreness. Plus, it blocks certain enzymes in your body that trigger inflammation, so it is like putting up a "No Pain Allowed" sign. 

Cinnamon also improves blood flow. When your blood flows better, it delivers more oxygen and nutrients to those achy muscles and joints, helping them feel better faster. Studies have shown that cinnamon can reduce both, the intensity and frequency of pain, especially in conditions like arthritis. 

#6. Supports Digestive Health 

Inside your stomach, there are trillions of bacteria, both good and bad. When the balance tips in favor of the bad guys, it can spell trouble for digestive health. Cinnamon restores harmony by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria while keeping the bad ones in check. Cinnamon also supports the health of the stomach lining. 

It is a wall of protection between your stomach and the acids and enzymes involved in digestion. But sometimes, things can go messy, leading to irritation or even damage to the stomach lining. That is where cinnamon comes in handy – it contains compounds that strengthen and protect the stomach lining, reducing the risk of issues like ulcers or gastritis. 

And let's not forget about cinnamon's role in reducing gas and bloating. Ever feel like you are about to float away after a heavy meal? Cinnamon can help with that too! It has carminative properties, which means it alleviates gas and bloating by relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract. 

#7. Promotes Weight Loss 

Cinnamon gives your metabolism a little boost. It stimulates your metabolic engine, making it easier to burn those calories and reach your weight loss goals faster. Plus, cinnamon prevents those annoying cravings. You know, the ones that have you reaching for the cookie jar at midnight? Cinnamon adds a hint of sweetness and warmth to your meals, satisfying your taste buds and keeping those cravings far away. 

Oh, and here is a fun fact: cinnamon can even give your workouts a little boost! Some studies suggest that cinnamon improves exercise performance by increasing endurance and reducing fatigue. So, whether you're hitting the gym or going for a run, sprinkling some cinnamon on your meals could be a smart move to help you burn more calories and shed those extra pounds. 

#8. Enhances Oral Health 

Cinnamon is packed with compounds that have antimicrobial properties. That is just a fancy way of saying that it can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. So when you sprinkle some cinnamon on your oatmeal or add it to your tea, you are not just adding flavor – you are also giving your mouth a little extra protection against the bad guys.  

Cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can soothe any irritation or inflammation in your mouth. So, if you have a sore spot or your gums are feeling a bit angry, a little bit of cinnamon might just do the trick. And hey, don't just take my word for it – there are studies out there that back up these claims! Researchers have found that cinnamon reduces the number of bacteria in your mouth, which can lead to a healthier smile overall. 

#9. Improves Skin Health 

Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants. These little warriors fight the bad guys called free radicals that can damage your skin cells and lead to all sorts of problems like wrinkles and age spots. So basically, cinnamon keeps your skin looking young and fresh. Plus, cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, which means it prevents the growth of acne-causing bacteria.  

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So, if you are prone to breakouts, adding a little cinnamon to your skincare routine could help keep those pesky pimples at bay. And let's not forget about its acne-fighting powers. Cinnamon contains compounds that regulate sebum production, the oily substance that can clog your pores and lead to breakouts. 

By keeping sebum levels in check, cinnamon can help prevent acne and keep your skin clear and blemish-free. Give it a try and watch as your skin transforms into its healthiest, happiest self! 

#10. Reduces Menstrual Cramps 

Cinnamon has this awesome ability to relax your muscles. So when your uterus is having a bit of a tantrum and contracting like crazy, This muscle-relaxing effect soothes those intense cramps and makes you feel more comfortable. Plus, cinnamon is just super comforting in general, isn't it? 

There is something about its warm, cozy flavor that can instantly lift your mood and make you feel a bit better, even when you are dealing with cramps from hell. And hey, if you are not a fan of the taste of cinnamon, you can always try taking it in supplement form or even using cinnamon essential oil for some topical relief. 

#11. Boosts Immune System 

Cinnamon contains compounds that stimulate the production of proteins called cytokines. These proteins are like messengers that help your immune cells communicate with each other more effectively. When your immune cells can chat and coordinate their efforts better, they become a more formidable force against invaders. 

Also, a study published in the Journal of Scientific Reports has shown that cinnamon enhances the production of white blood cells, the frontline soldiers of your immune system. White blood cells patrol your body, hunting down and destroying any foreign invaders they come across. 

So, by boosting the number of these powerhouse cells, cinnamon fortifies your body's defenses against illness. It is pretty amazing, right? Just a sprinkle of cinnamon here and there can give your immune system the extra kick it needs to keep you healthy and strong. 

#12. Balances Hormones 

Hormones act like messengers in your body, sending signals to different parts and telling them what to do. But sometimes, things get messy, and you might have too much or too little of certain hormones. That is where cinnamon steps in – it regulates the levels, bringing them back into harmony. 


Cinnamon has antioxidant properties, which means it can reduce oxidative stress in your body. This stress can mess with your hormone levels, so by lowering the stress cinnamon keeps everything in check. Ever heard of hormone receptors? They are like locks that hormones need to fit into to work their magic.  

Sometimes, these receptors become less sensitive, which means they don't respond to hormones. Cinnamon makes these receptors more sensitive, so hormones can do their job better. Also, studies have shown that cinnamon has a positive effect on hormone levels, particularly in conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), where hormone imbalances are common. 

#13. Reduces Risk of Cancer 

Cancer cells are like supercharged versions of normal cells. They grow and multiply at an abnormally fast rate, forming tumors and spreading to other parts of the body. But cinnamon messes up their plans. Cinnamon inhibits the growth of blood vessels that tumors need to survive and grow. 

It is like cutting off their blood supply, starving the tumors, and preventing them from getting any bigger. Now, let’s talk about something called apoptosis. It is a big word, but it basically means programmed cell death. Normally, when a cell becomes old or damaged, it is supposed to self-destruct to make way for new, healthy cells. 

But sometimes, this process gets messed up, and cells that should die keep on living and dividing, which can lead to cancer. Studies have shown that compounds in cinnamon trigger apoptosis in cancer cells, making them self-destruct. So, cinnamon is like a bodyguard, kicking out troublemakers and keeping everything in order. 

#14. Supports Liver Health 

The liver is a hardworking factory in your body, filtering out toxins and keeping things running smoothly. Sometimes, though, it can get overwhelming, like when we eat too much junk food or drink too much alcohol. Now, cinnamon steps in like a superhero for your liver. 

It contains compounds like cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, which have antioxidant properties. These compounds basically act like shields, protecting your liver cells from damage caused by free radicals floating around in your body. 

Plus, cinnamon can even prevent fatty liver disease, a condition where too much fat builds up in your liver. This can happen if you are overweight or have poor eating habits. Cinnamon helps your liver metabolize fats more effectively, reducing the risk of fatty liver disease. So, next time you are thinking about ways to support your liver, don't forget about cinnamon! 

#15. Supports Bone Health 

Getting older means our bones become more brittle and at risk of conditions like osteoporosis. But guess what? Cinnamon might just be the unexpected hero here too! Inside cinnamon are compounds that stimulate bone formation and improve bone density.  

Studies have shown that cinnamon extract enhances the activity of osteoblasts, which are the cells responsible for building new bone tissue. By promoting the growth of these bone-building cells, cinnamon strengthens our bones and reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis as we age. 

But that's not all – cinnamon also contains compounds that inhibit the activity of osteoclasts, the cells responsible for breaking down bone tissue. By slowing down bone breakdown, cinnamon preserves bone mass and prevents age-related bone loss. So, keep enjoying that cinnamon goodness for strong and resilient bones.

#16. Improves Your Mood 

Ever heard of serotonin? It is a neurotransmitter, basically a chemical messenger in your brain that plays a big role in regulating your mood. When serotonin levels are low, you might feel blue or even depressed. But here is where cinnamon works its magic. 

It helps your brain produce more serotonin, giving you that feel-good boost you have been craving. Not only that, but cinnamon also has a comforting aroma that can instantly lift your spirits. You know how certain smells can transport you back to happy memories?  


Well, Cardamom flavour and cinnamon's spicy scent can do just that, reminding you of cozy moments and joyful times. There are also some studies showing that just the smell of cinnamon can improve mood and cognitive function. Also, adding cinnamon to your day is like giving yourself a little gift. 

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