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Does vitamin D affect blood sugar levels?

Vitamin d

Does vitamin D affect blood sugar levels?

Usually, type 2 diabetes occurs in individuals above 18 or 20 years of age. Mostly, type 2 diabetes manifests between the ages of 20 to 25 years in affected individuals. Recent surveys have shown that around 40% of individuals aged 20-25 years have type 2 diabetes.

About 40% of the population surveyed were found to be suffering from type 2 diabetes. This indicates the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Numerous research studies suggest a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin D deficiency is more common in people compared to other vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin D is synthesized by the body through sunlight exposure. Without sunlight exposure, vitamin D cannot be produced. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency may not be immediately noticeable.

As there will be no symptoms, people don't check for its deficiency. These days, in individuals aged 10 to 12 years or 15 years, about 80% are deficient in vitamin D. Studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency leads to increased glucose levels and decreased insulin production from pancrease.

Let's delve into some research conducted by various scientists worldwide.

Considering the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes, When vitamin D levels are low, the transport of extracellular calcium into the pancreatic glands decreases. Reduced extracellular calcium availability to the pancreas leads to decreased insulin secretion. 

For beta cells to produce insulin effectively, a sufficient supply of calcium to the pancreas is necessary. A decline in extracellular calcium directly results in reduced insulin production. Hence, vitamin D plays a crucial role in preventing insulin production deficiency.

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Adequate vitamin D levels in the body increase extracellular calcium into the beta cells. Research has demonstrated that vitamin D is beneficial in enhancing insulin secretion. In the research, 314 individuals with both vitamin D deficiency and diabetes were considered. 

These participants were given 400 international units of vitamin D daily for three weeks. When they took 400 IU of vitamin D per day over three weeks, Insulin production is observed to increase by 15% to 26% in all 314 participants. This increase occurred solely by administering a vitamin D supplement without any other change. 

Within three weeks, insulin production has been observed to rise by 20-25%. So, research has established a direct relation between vitamin D deficiency and insulin production. This correlation was demonstrated in a study conducted by Kobe Tai Sin Hospital in Japan in 1986.

Let me now tell you another significant benefit of vitamin D.

Four glands are located in the parathyroid area behind the thyroid gland. Vitamin D deficiency leads to a reduction in parathyroid hormone production. Decreased parathyroid hormone levels result in reduced glucose uptake into cells. Furthermore, a decrease in cell receptors over the cells will also be reduced.

These individuals underwent testing with vitamin D supplementation, resulting in increased release of parathyroid hormones. Additionally, there was an increase in the number of receptors on each cell. Moreover, it was observed that glucose in the blood moved into cells in larger quantities.

Vitamin d

Thus, it was proven through research that vitamin D directly influences, the growth of cell receptors and lowers blood glucose levels. Furthermore, a study was conducted on women, men, and pregnant women with both diabetes and vitamin D deficiency.

All participants received 400 to 700 international units of vitamin D. It was discovered that blood sugar levels decreased in these individuals. In females, there was a reduction of 45 mg of glucose levels in the blood, when it comes to male members. 

48 mg of glucose levels in the blood was reduced and in the pregnant women, the reduction was about 53 mg of glucose in the blood. When considering a three-month average of HbA1C, doctors noted a reduction of 1.5 HbA1c in the blood by just taking vitamin D supplements alone.

All this research was conducted over 12 weeks by simply providing vitamin D supplements. Through research for more than 3-4 months, it was found that vitamin D resolves issues related to diabetes. Vitamin D regulates glucose levels in the blood and increases insulin secretion from the pancreas.

Another issue stemming from vitamin D deficiency is the inefficiency and alterations in the immune system.

When there is a deficiency of vitamin D, T killer cells and microphage cells become hyper-responsive in our bodies and will damage the beta cells in the pancreas glands. Along with this, it damages the insulin receptors present on the cells.

The immune system start attacking the useful beta cells on the pancreas. As the immune system becomes more sensitive, it attacks the body itself. To address the problem of vitamin D deficiency, these individuals were given vitamin D supplements.

With that, it has been demonstrated that T cells and microphage cells ceased attacking beta cells in the body. Another important thing is Vitamin D receptors are present on liver cells, muscle cells, and fat cells in our body. These receptors are activated when there is an adequate amount of vitamin D in the body.

Only then will the insulin receptors on the cells be activated and opened. This ensures that the mechanism by which glucose enters the cells from the blood works effectively. In the absence of vitamin D, vitamin D receptors remain closed, leading to changes in the glucose mechanism.

Thus, clear evidence has been provided that vitamin D deficiency, has a direct link to increased blood glucose levels. Vitamin D supplements have been demonstrated to facilitate more glucose from the blood entering muscle cells than previously.

Thus, in cases of vitamin deficiency, glucose in the blood does not efficiently enter the cells. Adequate vitamin D levels facilitate glucose entry into cells, leading to a decrease in blood glucose levels. Research confirms that vitamin D deficiency affects insulin, glucose receptors and many other in the body.

For those with insufficient sun exposure, using vitamin D tablets under a doctor's guidance is advisable. Alternatively, natural vitamin D synthesis can occur from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM through sun exposure. Just half an hour to one hour of exposure to ultraviolet B rays from the sun is sufficient.

This natural process helps reduce vitamin D deficiency in the body. Therefore I suggest to reducing vitamin D deficiency as crucial through any available means. So, it is recommended that everyone undergo a vitamin D test at least once.


Now I'll explain about how Diabetes causes for Heart Attack.

For people with diabetes, as time passes, the body experiences increasing side effects. The illness can slowly damage all organs over time. Without awareness, diabetes can harm many organs inside the body, much like termites silently damages the whole wood without it is even visible. Similar to termites, people with diabetes may unknowingly suffer organ damage. 

Alongside organ damage, diabetes significantly affects heart function. Overweight individuals with diabetes have a 60% higher likelihood of developing heart diseases, as indicated by recent surveys by Indian cardiologists. Compared to non-diabetics, diabetics are 60% more prone to developing heart diseases.

Let's explore how elevated blood sugar levels negatively impact the heart.

You should become aware and take care of your heart health. I will also tell you what habits to change to keep your heart healthy if you are diabetic. When blood sugar levels exceed normal, the immunity in the body decreases, Increase in blood sugar levels leads to increase of harmful microbes in the body.

When harmful microbes increase in the body, inflammation begins. Inflammation, in turn, leads to damage to nerves and organs. Another impact of high blood sugar levels is the thickening of blood. As blood flows with elevated sugar levels, it hardens the walls of blood vessels, occurring simultaneously with the thickening of blood. These two effects collectively slow down the blood circulation system.

The healthy and fast blood circulation that should occur encounters difficulties entering tiny blood vessels at the extreme organs. The reason heart complications are more prevalent in diabetes is the reduction in blood flow within the tiny blood vessels of the coronary arteries due to high blood sugar, responsible for pumping blood to the heart.

Thickened blood struggles to reach the heart's extreme areas, resulting in insufficient nutrients for heart cells. Due to this, the cardiac muscles may weaken, which is commonly observed. The ineffective transportation of micro-nutrients and reduced blood flow into tiny blood vessels also affects the nervous system, responsible for sending various signals to the heart.

Imagine individuals with diabetes experiencing a heart attack.

The nerves carrying pain signals may not function properly. They might not even recognize the symptoms or pain of a heart attack, potentially necessitating a hospital visit. For highly diabetic or chronically diabetic individuals experiencing a heart attack, they might suddenly die without any noticeable symptoms.

Due to the damage and weakening of the nervous system, the sensation of pain in the body diminishes. Another reason for the occurrence of heart diseases in diabetics is when the converted glucose from the food consumed is not utilized, leading to an increase in blood sugar. When the blood sugar becomes high in the blood it will enter the liver next.

Liver converts excess blood sugar into fat. The more the liver converts excess blood sugar into fat, the higher the production of LDL bad cholesterol in the body. Consequently, individuals with diabetes often experience changes in their lipid profile. So, another reason for heart diseases is the increase in LDL, the bad cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Elevated levels of both are detrimental to heart health, leading to blockages in the heart's blood vessels and weakening of the blood vessels. All these factors collectively contribute to a 60% likelihood of heart disease in individuals with diabetes. This data is from three to four years ago; the percentage might have increased to 65 to 70% by now.

With time, people are developing diabetes at a very young age, causing additional complications. To control and prevent diabetes from leading to heart diseases, there's no other solution but to change lifestyle habits. Modifying dietary habits and following naturopathy can yield numerous benefits. 



In 2023, the JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research in Mysore, conducted a research study on 50 diabetic individuals to understand how heart diseases occur in them. Participants followed naturopathy for about 12 weeks, and improvements were observed. The research showed enhanced blood supply and regain proper sensation in the nerves in them.

It has been proven that naturopathy can help reverse the effects of diabetes. Hence, for individuals with diabetes or those in the early stages or those with chronic diabetes, naturopathy significantly helps prevent the effects of diabetes. Therefore, I will also explain how individuals with diabetes should change their lifestyle according to naturopathy.

Start your day by consuming enough water and have bowel movements twice in the morning.

Engage in exercise or yoga for about an hour in the morning without fail. Until 9 or 9:30 in the morning, only consume water, then drink a glass of vegetable juice. Vegetable juice doesn't spike blood sugar levels; it provides micronutrients and helps reduce inflammation.

It's crucial to consume juices to reduce inflammation without increasing blood sugar levels. Hence, consume about 200 to 250 ml of vegetable juice with added honey in the morning. Two hours after having juice, around 12 am, have two rotis with curries cooked without oil and salt. If you can't completely avoid salt, add a small amount; reducing salt intake helps lower blood sugar levels.

Avoid rice and eat only rotis with greens and vegetable curries. Have rotis with a generous amount of curries along with a cup of curd. Around noon, have a combined breakfast and lunch with them and refrain from eating anything until 4 pm. Starting two hours after meals, drink water regularly. Around 4:00 p.m., have coconut water for vitamins and minerals.

Between 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., have two varieties of sprouts, followed by soaked dry nuts like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and watermelon seeds. Along with soaked dry nuts and sprouts, also consume fruits for dinner. Make sure you have dinner before 6 and two meals per day will help lower blood sugar. 

Eating frequently will necessitate an increase in diabetes medication dosage. However, sticking to two meals a day like this can reduce medication dosage by 30 to 40%. This diet significantly helps reduce diabetes. Additionally, walking for about an hour after dinner can significantly reduce diabetes and blood sugar side effects.

By following this naturopathic diet twice a day along with exercising twice, diabetes can be reduced without medication, preventing organ damage. Therefore, I urge diabetics to change their dietary habits and lifestyle according to naturopathy to mitigate diabetes-related damage.

Now I'll explain about How Miracle is helps for diabetics.

Today, let's discuss the benefits of miracle fruit. There is one special aspect of consuming miracle fruit that stays for about 30 minutes after a meal it preserves the sweet taste of miracle fruit on your taste buds, even when consuming something sour.

Miracle fruit

Let's look at the micronutrients in miracle fruit, 100 grams of miracle fruit contains -

  • Energy -34 kilocalories 
  • Carbohydrates - 8 grams
  • Protein - 0.7 grams 
  • Fat - 0.4 grams 
  • Fibre - 2.2 grams 

Regarding micronutrients in miracle fruit, The pulp of the miracle plant contains 4.4% of the compound miraculin per 100 grams of pulp.

Miracle fruit is a small red fruit, about the size of a coffee bean. Typically, only the pulp of the fruit is consumed, while the seed is discarded. While miracle fruit may not be available for purchase, you can easily grow it at home.

You can plant the miracle plant in a pot or directly in the soil. The leaves of the miracle tree help reduce uric acid levels in the body. Its seeds are beneficial for conditions like fits. Additionally, miracle fruit can help lower blood glucose levels in diabetic individuals.

The three main benefits of miracle fruit. It is known as a taste modifier. Due to its high content of miraculin, miracle fruit maintains a sweet taste on the taste buds, Even when eating something sour or bitter keeps a sweet taste to the tongue.

The benefit of miracle fruit to the diabetic patients is. 

The free radicals can harm and destroy the healthy cells in the body. Usually free radicals can be produced internally or ingested through food. Free radicals are found more in burnt and deep-fried food.

Typically, burnt food settles at the bottom of the cooking bowl, which some people may enjoy. However, burnt food contains many free radicals. These free radicals may contribute to the development of cancers and damage healthy cells by stealing their electrons, which is one of the reasons for diabetes.

Normally, there are insulin receptors on the body's cells, Due to free radicals damaging the insulin receptors, they may cause diabetes. The 14 types of antioxidants in miracle fruit can help minimize the effects of free radicals.

These antioxidants are helpful in reducing insulin resistance. In 2013, Mahsa University of Malaysia conducted research on miracle fruit. They have proven that miracle fruit is helpful in preventing damage to the receptors on the cells.

As a result, they are proven to reduce type 2 diabetes and ovarian cysts. Insulin resistance is one of the reasons for these conditions. Miracle fruit has two benefits: reducing insulin resistance and treating ovarian cysts.

Free radicals can lead to insulin resistance, as mentioned before. Miracle fruit can reduce insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity. To prevent and cure ovarian cysts and type 2 diabetes, consuming miracle fruit is very helpful.

Now, let me tell you the ideal quantity of miracle fruit according to the same research.

They suggest that consuming 14 grams of miracle fruit is best to attain these benefits. Only a small quantity, 14 grams, is required to experience the benefits of miracle fruit. The reason how miracle fruit helps to reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetic patients is.

Miracle fruit

Naturally, the food we eat will be digested in the stomach and intestines. Once digested, food is converted into glucose. Miracle fruit is proven to reduce glucose absorption by 30 to 40% in the intestines. According to the research, miracle fruit can be consumed in two ways.

You can either eat miracle fruit pulp before a meal or afterward.

Consuming about 14 to 15 grams of miracle fruit can reduce blood glucose absorption by 30 to 40%. Individuals who consume alcohol frequently or have liver disorders may experience high uric acid production. Drinking a decoction made from miracle fruit leaves can help reduce uric acid production.

This is achieved by inhibiting the production of xanthine oxidase, responsible for uric acid production. Consuming the decoction of miracle fruit leaves has been proven to reduce excess uric acid formation. It helps reduce uric acid production in individuals with high uric acid levels and those without it to prevent.

People who consume a lot of non-vegetarian food are often prone to high uric acid levels. They can consume a decoction made from miracle plant leaves to reduce uric acid levels.

The third benefit of miracle fruit.

For those suffering from frequent seizures, who often feel weak afterward. Miracle fruit is helpful for people suffering from frequent fits. You can dry and powder the seeds of the miracle fruit. The compounds in miracle seed powder work through GABA A receptors and help cure seizures.

Additionally, miracle seed powder helps minimize the person's weakness and promotes quick recovery after experiencing fits. Hence, people who are using medicines for fits can use miracle seed powder.

It helps reduce the severity and frequency of fits. This benefit of miracle fruit has been proven by Nigerian scientists in 2020. Adding miracle fruit in cooking can act as a natural food colorant, imparting a red color and enhancing the appearance of cooked dishes.


Whenever possible, you can buy miracle fruit online and plant it in large pots. This way, you can utilize the leaf, seed, and pulp of the miracle fruit to gain their benefits.

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