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How does artificial light affect the skin?


Artificial lights

How does artificial light affect the skin?

With the advancement of technology, people are working day and night in their jobs and businesses. Many individuals nowadays stay up late at night, either working or indulging in activities like watching TV, movies, or using their cell phones even of they don't have any work.

Prolonged exposure to artificial light, especially at night, can disrupt our body's internal clock, potentially leading to obesity, one of the side effect of artificial light. Obesity is a prevalent issue, affecting more than 80 percent of the population.

Various studies have indicated a connection between obesity and artificial light exposure.

A summary of 112 research papers by Rome University, Italy on August 5, 2022, concluded that obesity is closely linked to artificial light exposure. When artificial light enters the eye, it stimulates a part of the brain called the SCN, disrupting our circadian rhythm.

This part of the SCN becomes active, disrupting the natural circadian rhythm, biological clock of our bodies. The biological clock, responsible for regulating hormones, functions irregularly. It's important to note that some hormones are only produced when sunlight is present.

During the transition from sunset to darkness, the body releases different hormones. This mechanism of hormone release is governed by our biological clock. Our bodies are designed to synchronize their biological clocks with the cycles of the sun and moon. Exposure to sunlight is beneficial for our health. 

However, prolonged exposure to artificial light can disturb our body's natural clock. This disrupts the release of hormones that should occur during nighttime. Certain beneficial hormones are typically released at night, promoting repairing healing, cleansing, regulation, and relaxation of the body.

These hormones are secreted by glands during the night to induce relaxation and calmness. If the biological clock is disrupted, the release of nighttime hormones may be affected. When the body's circadian rhythm is disturbed, it disrupts many other hormone release.


The pituitary gland and the thyroid gland and the adrenal gland function as per circadian rhythm.

When these glands are disrupted, they release hormones in a way that they are not in control. So, when artificial light messes with our natural rhythm, it affects hormones like T-3 and T-4. Fluctuations in estrogen, the main hormone, and the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, are noticed by scientists. 

These hormones are in charge of how the metabolism is controlled in the body. When their balance is thrown off, it messes with our metabolism and can lead to obesity. Another problem of constant exposure to artificial light is which effects function of circadian rhythm is. 

The hunger centers are supposed to quiet down at night, signaling it's time for bed. And all your hunger and digestion hormones should slow down too. But when our circadian rhythm gets messed up, our bodies struggle to control themselves at night.

We start craving food more, especially the unhealthy stuff. That's because your appetite centers are active instead of calming, and the ability to control cravings weakens. So, you will be drawn to junk food more at night. And you end up eating food you shouldn't, adding to the problem.

Eating late at night is often blamed as the main reason for obesity as it messes with our biological clock. Disruption of the biological clock is the main culprit. When our biological clock is thrown off, a hormone called leptin, which tells us to stop eating, doesn't work properly.

This liptin hormone does not work when our body's biological clock is disturbed. If leptin works properly, it suppresses the desire to eat. But if it's not functioning correctly, you'll feel hungry again just a few hours after eating. So, one reason leptin doesn't work well is as of circadian clock disruption, which can lead to obesity.

That's why you tend to eat more when you're hungry, leading to weight gain.

With the circadian rhythm disrupted, your ability to control eating diminishes at night. Our minds are also less effective, making it harder to resist unhealthy food cravings. Eating these unhealthy foods can disrupt the balance of bacteria in our intestines.

This imbalance, with more bad bacteria and less good bacteria, contributes to obesity. Bad bacteria speed up the absorption of fats from food in the intestines, worsening the problem. Moreover, an increase in bad bacteria can lead to insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance raises the risk of developing diabetes. Like I mentioned, bad bacteria also increase fat absorption. It's scientifically proven that obesity can be caused by an increase in bad bacteria in the intestines. 

The more artificial light we're exposed to, the less melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, is produced. Low melatonin levels mean shallower sleep, leading to shorter sleep duration. People who have trouble sleeping often end up eating more, as melatonin deficiency affects their ability to fall asleep.

That's why, people opt alcohol and sleeping pills for sleep. But using these can actually worsen obesity. 

They can also increase inflammation in the body, leading to further complications. As obesity increases, stored fat releases inflammation, causing various health issues. This inflammation leads to so many complications. 

Melatonin acts as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation. As melatonin levels drop, our body's antioxidant capacity also decreases, leading to increased inflammation. A reduction in melatonin is one of the main causes of various health complications.

The more melatonin is released, the more refreshed, recharged, active, and energetic our body feels. Conversely, as melatonin decreases, we become weaker. To prevent these negative effects, try having dinner before 6 or 7 p.m. This allows for better sleep by 9:30 p.m. or 10:00 p.m.

Making dinner an early habit promotes deeper sleep. So, aim to go to bed by 9:30 or 10:00 p.m. whenever possible. Additionally, using a bedside lamp with gentle light can be beneficial, as long as it doesn't shine. Avoiding TVs and cell phones at night helps maintain smooth biological clock function.

Like I said, exposure to artificial light can disrupt hormone levels significantly. Consider the implications of living with so many hormonal disturbances on comfort and health. So, prioritize early dinners, ample sleep, and reducing hormone fluctuations. By ensuring our biological clock functions smoothly, we naturally promote better health.


Now I'll explain about best foods that can make our skin and body healthy.

It is commonly observed that as we age, wrinkles on the skin become visible. Sometimes, wrinkles can appear even in younger individuals, causing concern. Wrinkles on the skin are typically associated with aging. Many people resort to using various skin creams, lotions, and treatments to prevent wrinkles.

Also, eating non-veg food is seen in many people. Moreover, research indicates a direct correlation between consuming non-vegetarian food and premature skin wrinkling. Consuming non-vegetarian food can lead to wrinkles, unevenness, and skin discoloration.

Let's delve into how non-vegetarian food can contribute to these skin issues.

A study conducted by the University of Benin in Nigeria on rats shed light on this matter. 30 out of 80 rats were fed terrestrial animal food. They are given the meat of terrestrial animal to see if they pick the skin folds. Another 30 rats were given seafood to examine its impact on skin health.

The remaining 20 rats were fed a typical vegetarian diet. Thus in the research the rats were divided into 3 groups to check for skin wrinkles. The research revealed that rats fed land animal meat developed wrinkles earlier than others. Rats that ate the meat of animals in the sea also developed wrinkles but slightly later than those fed terrestrial animal meat.

In contrast, rats on a vegetarian diet showed no signs of wrinkles. Thus according to the research findings, a clear link exists between consuming non-vegetarian food and skin wrinkling. Previous studies have also explored this connection, further supporting these observations.

The research I mentioned provides a compelling explanation for this phenomenon. When cooked non-vegetarian food is ingested, three compounds enter the body: 

1. Betaine

2. Carnitine

3. Choline

Once these compounds reach the intestine, intestinal bacteria convert them into trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), released in the intestines, is the primary cause of early wrinkle formation. It induces inflammation in the skin cells and to the development of wrinkles.

This mechanism has been clearly demonstrated in research. TMAO weakens the collagen cells in the skin, contributing to wrinkle formation. When collagen elastin bands are weakened, wrinkles begin to form on the skin. Non-vegetarian food has been shown to degrade these bands and reduce collagen production.

Therefore, TMAO is established as the cause of skin wrinkles. Research also indicates that consuming non-vegetarian food can result in skin sagging. It converts fibroblast cells in the skin into myofibroblast cells, leading to skin sagging. Because of this trimethylamine n-oxide has been proven to cause skin sagging.


There is another reason for the weakening of collagen in the skin with non-veg food.

When non-vegetarian food is excessively roasted or deep fried, certain compounds like mutagens and teratogens are released. These compounds are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They have the potential to damage the collagen in the skin. Due to cooking of the meat and also the compounds already present in it damage the collagen in the skin.

Another thing is non veg food is prevent to produce rashes, allergy, psoriasis, eczema, sun allergy and several other skin problems. The research proved that non veg food is the reason for these skin problems. The tri methyl amino n-oxide compound that enters the body when non veg is eaten causes excessive circulation in the skin cells.

Macrophage cells are a part of bodies immune system. It is seen that non veg food causes more macropahgfe cells to get into the skin. This will cause excess inflamamriojn in the skin. Macrophages release excessive inflammation on the skin. It is proven that there is a relation between skin allergies and the consumption of non-vegetarian food. The changes in the skin causing dermatitis are proven to be because of non-vegetarian food.

Generally, it is observed that people suffering from skin-related diseases experience, more skin irritations and other complications when they consume non-vegetarian food. Skin irritations seem to heal faster when they consume vegetarian food. That's the main reason why doctors suggest patients suffering from skin-related issues to stop eating non-vegetarian food and seafood. As it is scientifically proven, they are able to find the reasons for these.

The third reason is the chemical compound named TMAO present in non-vegetarian foods.

It induces inflammation in the melanin-producing skin cells. These cells regulate skin color, and TMAO leads to uneven melanin production across different body areas. In some regions, melanin production is excessive, resulting in a darker color, while in others, it's deficient. This discrepancy causes uneven skin tone throughout the body.

The assault on melanin cells and the subsequent inflammation cause this color disparity. To prevent these skin disorders, even if you enjoy non-vegetarian food, prioritizing skin fairness, it's advisable to refrain from consuming non-vegetarian dishes.

Instead, opt for protein-rich foods like meal maker, soya flakes, kidney beans, or other pulses. Not only do these foods taste good, but they also promote overall body health and skin wellness. Therefore, plant-based foods are superior to animal-base d ones in maintaining both body health and skin health.

Conclusion :

To deter skin folds and wrinkles as you age, numerous studies advocate for a vegetarian diet. Therefore, I recommend making thoughtful dietary choices for optimal health.

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