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How does eating healthy prevent sickness?

Healthy food

How does eating healthy prevent sickness?

We all desire to understand the causes of various infections and diseases, and what can be done to prevent them. Many individuals believe that conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease are inherited. There is a belief that certain infections are transmitted by mosquitoes, crows, pigs, eagles, and various other sources.

There is also a notion that specific diseases are caused by insects, worms, and animals. Therefore, many individuals attribute diseases to inheritance or other external factors. Additionally, some believe that certain conditions arise due to water pollution, air pollution, and general pollution.

Here is also a belief that certain diseases result from exposure to fertilizers, pesticides, and carbides.

Many of you are dealing with a variety of health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, infections, cancer, chronic diseases, hormonal problems, and more. Many of you tend to attribute these diseases to just a handful of causes. There's a perception that diseases result solely from external factors rather than individual actions.

In my view, these diseases don't originate externally but have their roots in the kitchen. What I mean is that diseases often begin right in our homes, originating from the kitchen. When your kitchen and cooking practices are appropriate, you will not be affected by mosquitoes, flies, various viruses, bacteria and germs.

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Neither hereditary diseases nor pesticides and fertilizers can have an impact. Even water and air pollution cannot pose harm. If the cooking in the kitchen is changes, you will not be affected due to any of the external factors. You will be provided with bulletproof protection by all the factors that can cause you diseases

Let's explore the changes that should be made in the kitchen.

For this to happen which is something nobody thinks about. It's crucial to recognize that diseases are originating right from the kitchen. Women spend the entire day near the stove, preparing meals for their families. Their cooking involves love, considerable effort, and dedicated service to the family.

No woman in the family thinks that cooking food is the reason for many diseases in family members. No woman in the family thinks or knows about it. Hence, it is suggested that these diseases originate within the kitchen. Making changes to the cooking methods and recipe choices can lead to disease prevention. 

I have seen the proof of this in lakhs of people in the last 30 years. These individuals consume a larger quantity of natural foods. The amount of cooked food in everyday should be minimized, and the cooking methods should be altered. Implementing these two changes in your kitchen can significantly enhance your health.

Fruits, seeds, juices, and nuts come in the kitchen but often undergo alterations during the cooking process. Vegetables and greens undergo changes and are consumed after being cooked in the kitchen. It is possible to cook them in a healthier manner within the kitchen.

But, it is essential to prevent diseases from originating in the kitchen.

Keep in mind that diseases often originate from the kitchen itself. Making changes to what is done in the kitchen can prevent these diseases. In the past, these diseases would typically emerge in individuals during their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Nowadays, these diseases begin as early as in one's 20s.

If your child is 10 kgs over the ideal weight, it indicates obesity, which is a disease. Obesity is indeed a disease. Diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hormonal imbalances are, indeed, diseases. The kitchen is the source of diseases starting at a young age in children.

With making slight changes to the way you cook food in the kitchen, as we recommend, the family will be fortunate and will experience improved health. Currently, there is no channel demonstrating healthy cooking without the use of salt and oil. There isn't a dedicated channel for healthy cooking.

Recently so many YouTube channels are there to teach healthy way to cooking foods now. Some channels showcase healthy cooking with absolutely no oil and salt. It is possible to prepare all kinds of food items in a healthy manner. However, there needs to be a slight compromise on taste. 

Healthy food

Foods that are excessively flavorful can have detrimental effects on health. If you are willing to compromise on taste, achieving good health is not a difficult task. By following the cooking methods we demonstrate on the channels, you will still have the opportunity to enjoy tasty and healthy food.

If you omit sugar from your daily coffee, you'll find it becoming tastier after 10 days. Omitting salt from buttermilk reveals its inherent tastiness after some days. Likewise, after consuming the food we feature for ten days, you'll find it becomes flavorful.

There's no concept of absolute tastelessness.

Just because coffee is sugarless, doesn't mean it lacks taste. Over time, as it becomes a habit, you'll come to appreciate its taste. Similar to alcohol becoming a habit. Even if it isn't inherently tasty, the habit makes it seem so. 

Likewise, if you've accustomed yourself to food without salt or oil for some time, you'll discover them to be tasty, and they'll become a part of your routine. Therefore, attempt to prepare a variety of dishes without the use of salt or oil.

This way, you'll have access to all the recipes. Prepare all your favorite delicious dishes in a manner that doesn't lead to health issues. As mentioned earlier, altering your cooking methods can contribute to, the health of your family through the meals prepared in the kitchen.

Observe the many fortunate women who prioritize health in their cooking. Reflect on the gravity of preparing unhealthy meals that may contribute to the spread of diseases. Continuous suffering from diseases throughout one's life is a distressing circumstance.

Those responsible for cooking will attain virtue when their children and family enjoy health due to their wholesome cooking. Therefore, women should take charge of cooking at home. Turning the kitchen into preparing exclusively healthy meals brings luck to the entire family.

It's essential to transform and instill health from the kitchen. Guard against diseases in the kitchen and foster health through the kitchen. I request and recommend those involved in cooking to adhere to this principle.

Healthy food

Now I'll explain about the best food habits for all ages to good health.

People have different likes and dislikes, which vary from person to person. Preferences vary from person to person. Liking healthier options is beneficial, while liking unhealthy ones can be detrimental.

Today, let's explore how individuals develop preferences and delve into the process of forming likes. Observing the eating habits of both children and adults sheds light on their food preferences. 

Some express aversion to greens, snake gourd, ridge gourd, and foods like sprouts, salads or raw vegetables. Some individuals express aversion to orange juices and sweet lime juices, claiming allergies or disliking them. Many people assert their dislike for foods that offer health benefits.

While certain individuals may enjoy all these types of foods. They prefer avoiding non-vegetarian dishes and deep-fried foods. They also steer clear of pickles and other unhealthy food items. Adopting a habit of consuming nutritious foods can greatly enhance the quality of your life. Conversely, if you develop a liking for unhealthy foods, your life may take a turn for the worse.

Now, let's explore how a person develops preferences for specific foods.

It common that everyone aspires to be healthy. However, even though they desire to consume nutritious foods, their minds may resist the idea. They develop a fondness for foods that are not healthy and often experience cravings for them. A perpetual conflict arises between choosing healthy and unhealthy foods.

Many individuals express a desire to effortlessly let go of unhealthy foods without much thought. Through my observations, I have gained a clear understanding of how preferences develop. I've witnessed similar patterns in humans, children, animals, and birds. Typically, after breastfeeding, children are introduced to solids and liquids.

During the Anna Prasanna ceremony, children are offered various foods. The foods given to children below 2 to 2.5 years of age as the first external food, significantly influence their preferences later in life. Regardless of whether the foods are tasty or not, children develop a strong liking for them.

For instance, if you exclusively provide cooked vegetables to children below 2.5 years old,.If you feed them only cooked vegetables, they will begin to like and develop a fondness for them. Even if you give cooked green vegetables or serve them raw, they will enjoy and become fond of it.

They won't perceive any rawness or unpleasant taste; instead, it will leave a positive impression in their minds. Introducing vegetables like bottle gourd, ridge gourd, and healthy options like sprouts, along with soaked nuts, honey, fruit juices, and fruits. 

Feeding infants with such foods and conveying that these foods are tasty will be stored in their minds, and they will develop a liking for them. Usually, foods eaten for an extended period become preferences and are fondly embraced.

Therefore, if you introduce children to nutritious foods during their early years, They will naturally assume that they like them for life and develop a fondness for them. They will express that they enjoy all vegetables and greens. Whether they are tasty, raw, or not, they will still express a liking for them.

If children become accustomed to unhealthy food, their lives may become challenging later on. I often encounter children who prefer fast food, junk food, deep-fried foods, sweets, savories, poori, dosa, and fritters. They will mention that they dislike eating healthy food and find it boring.

Do you know why they strongly dislike healthy food?

Since childhood, when they were introduced to external foods, Parents might have introduced their children and made them accustomed to only tasty food. Their parents might have provided them with flavorful dishes enriched with butter, ghee, excess spices, and more.

They may have also given them chocolates, biscuits, ice creams, and certain other delectable treats, including jams, breads, bakery items, and more. Some parents might choose to give their children these foods. For instance, if offering junk food stops the child from crying, parents might resort to it.

If items like potato fry and brinjal fry are well-received, parents may incline towards these options. If parents avoid offering greens as they dont like, the child will grow accustomed to not eating vegetables. Developing a preference for unhealthy foods can become deeply ingrained in their minds.

When the body system gets accustomed to tasty foods, it may retain a liking for them throughout life. If nutritious food isn't introduced to children, it becomes challenging for them to embrace it later. Kids who develop a liking for cakes and junk food may continue to favor them.

Healthy food

Subsequently, they may resist consuming fruits, sprouts, juices, salads, nuts, and bland vegetables.

Encouraging them to enjoy such healthy foods later on becomes quite difficult. Even if they start consuming these foods for health reasons, they may not develop a genuine liking for them. They may consume healthy foods for a while due to health considerations, but True liking is formed based on what they have eaten during childhood.

I have observed how preferences for food develop in two ways, in animals and humans. I see some naturopathy parents refrain from giving salt and oil to their newborns for 3 to 4 years. There are parents who prohibit their children from tasting chocolates and biscuits.

Having been accustomed to only healthy foods, when offered junk food like cold drinks, some children reject it. Even when given chocolates, they express a dislike for the taste and prefer the usual healthy foods we provide. I've witnessed many children who have developed a habit of consuming healthy foods.

Let me share another example with you.

In our home, we have a small dog to which we started giving dates and milk along with unpolished cooked rice. The dog received unpolished cooked rice at 10:00 AM and in the evening consistently for about a year. Occasionally, once every month or two, we treated the dog to colostrum milk pudding.

For an entire year, the dog consumed only these two types of food. After a year, when we attempted to introduce snacks, sweets, savories, white rice, biryani, curries, and pulao, the dog refused to eat any of them. I conducted this study on the dog to observe how food preferences develop in animals.

The dog never touched any other food beyond what it had become used to; it lived for 11 years and then passed away. In Ongole, a butcher fed a calf meat twice a day, every morning and evening. As the calf became accustomed to eating meat, it started visiting the butcher shop twice a day.

This peculiar behavior of a calf consuming meat was even highlighted in a newspaper. Though a calf is not a natural meat-eating animal, when made to eat meat from childhood, it started consuming it.

Allow me to provide another example.

A dog has been exclusively given natural foods like sprouts, salads, juices, fruits, dry fruits, and nuts since its early days. The owner has maintained this diet for the dog. As a result, the dog has been consuming these natural foods since childhood.

Have you ever witnessed a dog eating sprouts, salads, mangoes, or papaya?

This particular dog is accustomed to such foods from childhood, making it unique. Eating these foods has become a preference and even an addiction for the dog. That's why I always emphasize that getting used to healthy food is, indeed, healthy. Conversely, getting used to unhealthy food is detrimental.

Hence, it's crucial to cultivate a liking for healthy foods and make them a part of your regular diet. When you develop an addiction to eating healthily, your life is destined to be great. On the flip side, if you form an addiction to unhealthy foods, your life will take a miserable turn.

If you develop an addiction to unhealthy foods, your life will become miserable. Parents may have inadvertently habituated children to unhealthy foods, but realizing this, you can start eating healthy food from now on. By doing so, healthy foods will become a preference for you.

Over the past 30 years, I have consistently consumed healthy food, and it has become an addiction for me. Even when I eat, if the food is unhealthy for 1 or 2 days, I get scared and want to avoid it wholeheartedly. For me, eating healthy food has become a liking, so I don't crave unhealthy food.


That's why, if you become fond of healthy food, you will live a healthy and happy life. Everybody wishes to be healthy, but to achieve health, you have to develop a fondness for eating healthy food. If you develop a liking towards healthy food, you will gain health and live happily forever.

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