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How to make child immunity strong?

Child immunity

How to make child immunity strong?

You might think for overall only health, the heart, lungs, liver, brain, and other organs should be healthy. You may just think only if these organs are healthy a person can be healthy, and they are the ones which decide the health and are very important.

A lot of people don't know for all of these organs to be healthy, the stomach and intestine should be healthy first. These days a lot of research has been conducted on the good bacteria in the intestines. 

It is proven that the health in the intestines will decide the overall health of the body.

So, everything in the body like the functioning of the liver, heart, brain, mood, immunity, lifespan, if you are fat or slim, have high cholesterol or no excess cholesterol, all these will change based on the health of the intestines as proven by the scientists. The eminent gastroenterologists, after looking into all such studies. 

They says that the same holds true through several media and news channels. After learning about all these facts, everybody, along with the experts, must acknowledge that many customs our ancestors introduced are indeed true. Our ancestors used to say that if the food we eat digests properly and intestines are healthy, overall health will be fine.

Now, research is proving this fact.

The bacteria in the intestines play a major role in overall body health. They are of two types, good bacteria and bad bacteria. Let's say that the number of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the body is about 90%. The cells that carry out metabolism are only about 10%.

So, there is a large difference between the microbes present in the body and the number of cells. Therefore, the microbes play a significant role in leading to health or ill health. For proper health and overall life, parents should establish three types of foundations correctly for children. These will allow the good bacteria to help an individual throughout life.

Now let's see the three foundations parents can lay for children to have a healthy atmosphere in the intestines.

If pregnant women can deliver a baby naturally after carrying for 9 months, it will support the child to have a healthy number of good bacteria in the intestines throughout life. This fact, which is the first foundation, has been proven by scientists.

The second one is if the newborn child drinks only mother's milk for about six months without fail, it will help the child to have a good amount of healthy bacteria in the intestines. They will have more amount of good bacteria that can protect the body and can increase the lifespan of the body.

(Also Read - How does eating healthy prevent sickness?)

Mother's milk for the first six months will determine the overall health of the child throughout life. Hence, this is the second foundation, proven to be important for the child. The third foundation that research wants parents to lay for children is that children should be raised without giving any antibiotics.

This will help keep the atmosphere of the intestines properly to keep the body healthy throughout life. If parents can provide the foundation for children in terms of these three important aspects, children can remain healthy throughout life, with the proper foundation of all three of them.

Let's say the parents did not take care of these three aspects for their children.

The children will not have a foundation in the body to maintain healthy bacteria in the intestines and will have little problems. It is scientifically clear that good bacteria require these three aspects. These days, 80 to 90 out of 100 women want to go for a cesarean operation to deliver the baby.

If you can include exercise and undergo healthy lifestyle changes, and if you can prepare your mind for normal delivery, you can have a normal delivery. It is obvious that natural delivery lays a good foundation for the future of the baby, which is very good.

The baby should be delivered naturally after nine months only after complete growth. Due to some reasons, if the baby is delivered by cesarean, just like a mango which stays on the tree for months takes only 2 to 3 days to ripen.

Similarly, if the baby is matured and when the baby is delivered 4 to 5 days or a few months before the natural delivery, the development is not fully completed in the baby, mainly in terms of bacteria. Natural delivery after the completion of nine months is very good for the baby's health.

Mothers need to take this care to create a good foundation for the baby. The second thing is the mother's milk; there is no better food than mother's milk. Friendly and healthy bacteria are provided to the baby from the mother's milk.

The bacteria enter and grow in the intestines, creating a foundation environment to stay healthy throughout life. This is a very good foundation for growing their descendants. To get good breast milk, a high-protein diet and a diet rich in vitamins and minerals are useful.

Milk feeding

Mother's milk should be given for at least 6 months, and it is good if it is given for one year.

Try not to stop breast feeding babies by thinking about your job, business, and other activities. To provide a good foundation for the baby's future, make sure that no other milk is fed to the baby other than mother's milk. This helps in providing plenty of antibodies from mother to the baby.

It helps boost the baby's immunity, preventing the baby from falling sick. All these benefits come from mother's milk. The required amount of nutrients are sent from the mother to the baby in the form of milk. All the nutrients are transferred to the baby, without lacking anything for the baby.

Mother's milk provides immunity and the good bacteria required for the baby. Make sure that the mother's milk is provided to the baby. The third thing is, if the kids are infected with cold, cough, or fever, immediately antibiotics and syrups are given.

All the good bacteria present in the body die because of the antibiotics, and bad bacteria growth increases. The immunity of the kids decreases if the kids are infected with cold, cough, or fever. Parents should only provide honey, water, or coconut water for one or two days and let them rest.

Even if you feed normal food to children, they won't be able to swallow it as the body doesn't support it. In such cases, parents should not disturb the children by feeding them or by giving antibiotics or syrups.

They result in the decrease in immunity and the formation of good bacteria. If you do not let the children use medicines, life is going to be extremely happy. The foundations laid during first six months to one year.

These three things support and help in keeping the next 100 years of kids happy and healthy. As it is scientifically proved that these help provide better health, I request the parents to keep these points in mind and lay a good foundation in these three aspects.

Now I'll explain about How junk food affects children's and youth people health.

In life, there are four stages: childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. Out of all these, there are two stages when everyone is happy, healthy, and has a good immune system: childhood and young age. As we enter middle and old age, various challenges emerge. It includes weaknesses, mental and physical problems. We might encounter issues like being confined to bed, enduring pain, taking medicines, and frequenting hospitals. 

Junk food

However, the two most favorable stages for everyone are childhood and young age. Instead of prioritizing their health during this period, many opt for relishing tasty foods and enjoying life in various ways. People prefer indulging in all possible pleasures during their youth. This desire is common among everyone in their youth age.

Let me share the consequences of this choice. During youth, people find joy in consuming diverse foods, drinking alcohol, and overall reveling. You think that you will never get the youth age back. With this thought only you will be spending 30 years from childhood to enjoying life. This mindset results in significant health losses that cannot be rectified.

What happens when you fully enjoy your youth?

Ideally, this age should be about experiencing good health. Instead of prioritizing health, some focus on savoring delectable foods during their youth. This may lead to health problems that typically shouldn't occur between the ages of 15 to 20. Due to this, you will compromise your beauty, physical health, and mental well-being.

After the age of 30, you will have to confront various challenges and health setbacks. Many people aspire to be attractive. However, true beauty is achieved through a fit body, a flat stomach, and more. For instance, having well-defined thighs and cheeks without fat enhances your overall look.

Yet, how are 60 to 70 percent of children today?

They carry an extra 18 to 20 kgs, experiencing the challenges of obesity. Considering their beauty, at what age do you think everyone will appear beautiful? Typically, individuals look their best between the ages of 25 to 30. But during this period, many appear unhealthy with excessive belly fat, fat buttocks, chubby cheeks, and flabby hands.

If you are dealing with obesity, can you feel beautiful with makeup or stylish clothes? Will ornaments enhance your appearance? You may wear anything you want, but how appealing is your body shape? When you look in the mirror, can you appreciate the beauty of your physique?

You alter the period of life when you should be healthy and beautiful, shifting from a state of well-being to one of poor health and unattractiveness. You're the one compromising both your health and beauty. So, don't let go of your beauty in your youth; stay slim and in good shape.

Even if you have a dark complexion or less-than-ideal facial features, you'll still look fantastic with a healthy and fit body. This will give you the mental satisfaction that you look good. In today's times, you're consuming all the wrong foods during your youth. You indulge in fast food, junk food, drinks, sweets, savories, biryani, pulao, and korma.

These foods are eaten more frequently in the day. All your organs are aging prematurely during your youth. The reason for diseases appearing in young people is due to cells, the building blocks of organs, growing older with time. Diseases typically seen in the 60s or 70s, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart-related issues, and paralysis, are now manifesting in the 20s and 30s.

The food you consume accelerates the aging of cells. These foods bring about changes in genes and the DNA present in cells. The alterations in DNA accelerate the aging of cells during young age. Diseases that were expected to occur in the 60s and 70s are now surfacing in the 20s and 30s.

We are transforming the youth, which should be healthy, highly immune, and beautiful, into patients.

Obesity is an illness, hormonal imbalance is an illness. Infertility is an illness, difficulties in participating in sexual intercourse are commonly seen these days. Having frequent mental irritability is also an illness. As all these illnesses occur at a young age, imagine how long you have to live with them.

Can we lead a happy life in old age with diseases?

Junk food

Think if you can be at peace with such a mental state. You are turning the age that should be healthy, happy, and beautiful into an unhealthy age. All the mistakes you make, thinking that it is an age to enjoy, are destroying your entire life. You are living a life full of diseases with medicines, pain, and discomfort.

You are enduring such a difficult life. If you want to avoid such a life, you should choose to enjoy health and beauty. You should choose to enjoy a good shape, a fit body, and great immunity. Be determined to enjoy a healthy mind and a healthy body. That is the real enjoyment.

You should not only enjoy the taste of food; you should also enjoy a healthy and happy life. Limit yourself to the extent of enjoyment that you usually do. Limit yourself to usual enjoyments, and your health will be good. If you think that enjoying is life, life itself will not last.

Autoimmune disorders are increasing rapidly in millions of children every year. All these are caused by the thoughts you have to just enjoy life. So, you should choose your youth to be healthy. It is good to use the foundation in youth age to be healthy and happy for the rest of your life. It is also good for parents to provide such a good foundation to your children.

Now I'll explain about what are the health issues that children will face, If they don't eat the healthy food.

It is a belief that young people are strong; they have great health immunity and do not get diseases. It is also believed that diseases will come only to old age people; later they'll get bedridden, need hospitals and medicines. They will need a person to take care of them once they become old.

But these things have changed these days. These days, the diseases that usually come in old age are affecting the young people also. Young people are no longer enjoying good health and immunity. Out of experience, I want to share something that is related to this.

Junk food

There may be parents, grandparents, and children living together in one home. If you ask me who has the highest health risk among the three generations, I would say that children have the highest health risk.

Youth are always in danger of getting diseases and suffering these days.

More than the children, the parents who gave birth to them are a bit healthy. The grandparents are also very healthy compared to them. The reason why youth have health risks is because of the mistakes done by parents. Parents do not ever think that the health of their children is going to become worse.

But one mistake that the parents do has become like a curse for the health of the children. In earlier times, people used to have larger families with 5 to 6 children. Nowadays, families tend to have 1 or 2, leading to more focused attention and love from parents.

Parents express their love by indulging their children with their favorite foods. Children are often given everything they ask for or desire. During weekends, parents take their children to various places and buy them whatever they like.

They also show love by giving the children pocket money to buy whatever they want. Parents take pride in their children's hard work, academic success, and achievements. Looking at all of these, parents aim to satisfy their children by fulfilling their every desire.

Parents these days are thinking about food that kids love and would love to enjoy. Imagine the positive impact if parents considered offering healthy food to prevent future health issues. Instead of giving the children the food they would enjoy, the parents should think of giving healthy food.

Only on occasions like festivals, weddings they should think of giving them tasty food. 

The thought of giving them enjoyable food should be limited only occasions. All the other days, parents should focus on laying a good foundation for their children's health. If parents believe that a good health foundation would be beneficial for the life of their children, the children's future will be great.

Instead of this, parents are more inclined to give and cook enjoyable, tasty food for their children, keeping a stock of the food the child likes in the fridge and on the dining table. By doing all of this, I would like to tell you that you are destroying the future of your child's health. 

You don't know how much children and youth have health risks these days. I see a lot of people who come by suffering from paralysis at 15 years to 20 years. Neurologists are getting surprised at how young people are getting paralysis.

It is shocking that paralysis that should come at the age of 70 to 80 is coming at 15 years. Because there are changes in the brain and brain cells at 15 years itself to some. Also, heart attacks that should come at the age of 60 to 70 are coming at the age of 20 to 25 itself.


These days many children between 15 to 20 are dying of heart attacks. There is always news that young children are dying of heart attacks on the TV and in the newspapers. We also see conditions like young children getting hypertension. Some of them are also getting diabetes at 20 to 25 years.

A lot of young children are also getting dangerous cancers. Many young children are also getting autoimmune disorders that stay throughout life and need steroids. If children get autoimmune disorders, they'll get bedridden at a young age. Some also lose their lives.

There are a lot of deadly diseases youth are getting. 

These days youth are not able to pregnant even after marriage. Men are lacking healthy count of sperm, and women are lacking healthy count of eggs. This is the life of your children these days. If this trend continues, they'll have to battle diseases by frequently visiting hospital. 

Imagine watching your children rely on steroids and medical care; it's a heartbreaking scenario. You are the reason that your children are getting such health conditions. These health conditions are a result of parenting choices; it's not the child's fault.

Parents contribute to their children becoming overweight and developing health problems. It is not wrong that showing love on children, children need love for their life consider expressing it through healthy meals and instilling good values.

Guide them toward healthy habits that will shape their future positively. Give your love such that it lays a good foundation for their whole life. Consider how to impart these teachings for children to embrace and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

The love that lays a good foundation for 100 years of a child's life is the best form of parental love.

It's not the best love if it only revolves around cooking tasty food for the children. Observing the current scenario, Indian youth face higher health risks compared to other countries. In other nations, 80 to 90% of young individuals engage in gym workouts.

They cultivate habits like consuming dry nuts, fruits, salads, and incorporating 50% raw food into their diets. Unlike Indian children, many in other countries have dinner between 5:00 to 6:00 pm. These three healthy habits prevail among the youth in other nations.

Yes, the young people in our country are at a significant health risk. Children are often referred to as the backbone of the country, but can unhealthy children become strong backbones? Imagine the life of young dealing with diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases at 20 to 25 years.

A big survey has been conducted on diabetes recently worldwide. Recently the result of the survey have been demonstrated. The survey says that if young people develop diabetes at 30 years, their lifespan may reduce by 15 years.

Getting diabetes at 20 years could result in a lifespan reduction of 20 years.

Early damage to the body's cells leads to decreased life expectancy. Those who acquire diabetes at 40 years may experience a 10-year reduction in lifespan. Also, if one gets diabetes at 60 to 70 years, there might not be a significant impact on lifespan.

Think about the implications of developing diabetes at 20 to 30 years. Indeed, as the health of young people is at risk, it's crucial for parents to initiate the change, not the children. I request the mothers and fathers and all the parents to change themselves first.

Change yourself and be an example by eating healthy food at home. Opt for healthy meals at home, and your kids will naturally adopt and embrace a healthy diet. If the healthy food is seen daily, they will become used to eating healthy and vice versa.


At least to keep the children healthy the parents should change yourself. I request all the parents to lay a proper foundation for the children to live happily for 100 years

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  1. Children immunity is the very important. You really explained very well, how to take care about children health. Especially you mentioned the food habits for the children was really very helpful to you.

    Thank you very much for your valuable advices 👍. I hope you continue to guide us for good health tips ❤️
