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Is it good to sleep on the floor?

Sleeping on floor

Is it good to sleep on the floor? 

Doctors advise against sleeping on mattresses when experiencing neck, stomach, disc, or sciatic pain. They suggest sleeping on a bench, floor, or thin quilt instead. After such issues, doctors recommend sleeping on the floor, as mattresses are often implicated in causing these pains.

Let's discuss why sleeping on the floor might be preferable to a mattress.

Most people sleep on the mattress for the comfort. Considering sleeping on the floor could have many benefits, so let's discuss it today. Why might it be better to sleep on the floor rather than on a mattress? Naturally, mattresses can trap some air underneath, That is why naturally we find ourselves sweating while lying on the bed.

In contrast, sleeping on the floor naturally provides coolness and ventilation without hindering airflow. Furthermore, as humans, we originate from the soil and eventually return to it. Therefore, sleeping on the floor fosters a deeper connection with the earth.

When lying on the floor, our bodies experience a unique sensation, The correction of the spinal cord mainly occurs when you sleep on the floor. It's common to feel a slight indentation when lying on a mattress, When we sleep on a mattress, the mattress cushion shrinks due to weight.

This compression can cause the spinal cord, which should ideally be straight, to curve instead. As illustrated in the images, many people use extra cushions on their beds for added comfort. Due to prolonged bending of the spinal cord, there can be extra strain on the nerves and discs.

This added strain may lead to discomfort while you work during the daytime. Many of you spend your days bending your backs without much movement. Some may also engage in lifting objects, It puts more stress on the nervous system and spinal discs under extra stress.

Lying flat allows the nerves and discs to relax more effectively.

Lying flat on your back allows the nerves and discs to relax more effectively. When you sleep with your back flat on the ground, unlike when you sleep on a mattress there will be no strain on the nerves and discs. Without the cushioning of a mattress, the nerves and discs can relax fully in this posture.

Some individuals choose to sleep directly on the ground without a mattress, especially during certain spiritual practices. For instance, devotees may observe spiritual initiations for gods like Lord Ayyappa or Goddess Bhavani for around 40 days.

Others may undertake spiritual practices for deities like Lord Hanuman, or participate in rituals, such as Santhoshi Matha Vratham or Lakshmi Maatha Vratham. During these periods of devotion, sleeping on the floor is customary.

There was a traditional practice that during the days of practicing death rituals to someone, the family members should sleep on the floor. Such customs teach us to sleep on the floor, allowing for comfortable rest even without modern amenities.

During rituals or prayer sessions, people often sit for long periods without moving. For those who sit for extended durations, resting flat on the ground helps relax the body and back. This practice provides complete relaxation for the nerves and discs.

Our traditions incorporate such practices for specific reasons.

That's why, you should realize how advanced sages were who were like scientists. They have discovered many preventive measures to prevent many health ailments. Jobs like software development can lead to hip and neck pain. To address these issues, companies seldom introduce programs to alleviate such discomfort. 

Sleeping on bed

However, our tradition suggests sleeping on the floor to prevent body aches from prolonged sitting. During certain rituals, individuals may need to bathe their heads multiple times a day, which could result in colds. To prevent this, it's made customary in our traditions to shave the head as part of the tradition. 

Also, to prevent health issues from prolonged sitting, sleeping on the floor is beneficial. When lying directly on the floor or a mat, some may experience discomfort in the bones due to the hard surface. To alleviate this, you can use a thin quilt while sleeping on the floor. 

It helps maintain a flat and relaxed spine and back. Those experiencing discomfort while sleeping on the floor should follow these tips. Placing a cylindrical pillow under your knees when sleeping on your back can reduce, sciatica pain, lower back pain or hip pain caused by prolonged sitting.

Poeple who get pain in the buttocks due to prolonged sitting can also use this technique.

It's beneficial for those individuals to sleep on their backs with a pillow under their knees. Some people experience discomfort when lying on their backs without a pillow on the floor. In such cases, they sleep on their sides, stretching one leg and folding the other to relax the muscles. 

This position helps alleviate numbness in the hands that may occur when sleeping on the side. To relieve stress on these body parts, alternating sides by stretching one leg and folding the other is recommended. This practice also helps prevent neck and back pain. 

In summer, many people prefer to sleep on the floor in the daytime, as it creates coolness, prevents heat and makes them happy. While mattresses can become hot, the floor provides a cooling sensation. Whenever possible, try to sleep on the floor, whether you have a pillow or not. 

Practicing sleeping on hard surfaces like benches prepares you for unforeseen situations in the future. Life presents various challenges, and it's wise to adapt to different circumstances. It's beneficial to adapt to various situations to overcome unforeseen challenges.

For individuals experiencing back pain, neck pain, disc problems, sciatica, or lower back pain, sleeping on a quilt on the floor can speed up recovery—it's a highly effective technique. However, for some people, sleeping on the floor is not advised.

Those with severe back pain, neck pain, or disc problems that hinder movement should avoid it. Instead, they should sleep on a cot with the mattress removed and a quilt placed on top. It is safe for them to lie on a quilt placed on the bed, and this setup makes it easier for them to stand up and sit down comfortably.

It's advisable for those without such issues to occasionally sleep on the floor to prevent future problems. Many yoga practitioners incorporate floor sleeping into their routines, It's good in every way, sleeping on the floor without using a mattress has many health benefits.

Now I'll explain about the best diet for deep sleep.

Best diet for sleep

Everyone desires a peaceful deep sleep, undisturbed for 7 to 8 hours. Many people sleep for this duration but experience frequent interruptions, taking time to fall back asleep. To achieve uninterrupted and deep sleep for about 7 to 8 hours in the night.

Let's explore daily habits that can help you achieve deep sleep.

Sound sleep depends on the production of the sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin, in the body. The food you consume also plays a significant role in melatonin production. Adequate consumption of tryptophan-rich foods can boost melatonin production. Interestingly, orange juice is rich in tryptophan, making it a helpful choice.

Consider having a glass of orange juice around 5:00 in the evening to support melatonin production. It will support the production of melatonin hormone in the body. Another crucial factor for melatonin production is minimizing light exposure in the evening. Ensure that after 8:00 PM, you're in dimly lit surroundings to promote melatonin production.

Light exposure to the eyes reduces melatonin production and can affect your sleep quality. Limit screen usage at night to further enhance melatonin production and achieve uninterrupted sleep. The more you avoid using screens at night, the greater the increase in melatonin hormone production, leading to uninterrupted, restful sleep.

The third essential step for sound sleep is to refrain from eating late at night and have dinner by 6:00 PM. This simple change can significantly enhance your sleep quality. Eating dinner after 9:00 PM forces the stomach, intestines, and pancreas to work extra hard to digest the food.

This added digestive effort requires increased blood circulation and oxygen. For this reason, your heart also has to work harder. With all these processes taking place in your body for digestion, you cannot have sound sleep. So, to achieve sound sleep without interruptions, aim to finish your dinner by 6:00 in the evening.


Don't dismiss this idea as impossible; give it a try, and believe it will work. Within one week to ten days, you will undoubtedly experience deep, restorative sleep. Make it a habit to conclude your evening meal by 6:00 PM. For dinner, include soaked dry nuts like pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, cashews, almonds, and more.

Additionally, have dry fruits like dry dates and raisins, followed by fresh fruits.

This natural dinner will be fully digested by 9:00 in the evening. From 9:00 all the organs like pancreas, liver will not work have to work digestion. As there's no more digestion, these organs won't need extra blood and oxygen, reducing the strain on your heart. With these organs at rest without digestion, you'll experience undisturbed sleep.

If all of these organs are at rest you will surely get sound sleep. Digestion can interfere with sound sleep, so a well-rested stomach is crucial. Deep sleep only occurs when your stomach gets the rest it needs. In the past, many of you have eaten late at night and tried to sleep. Instead, make an effort to have an early dinner.

A restful night's sleep will leave you feeling fresh, active, and eager in the morning. Your body will naturally wake you up, indicating that it's been sufficiently recharged. With well-rested intestines and stomach, morning digestion will be efficient, and your appetite will be robust. Your body will signal the need for food, and you'll experience significant overall improvement.

With your intestines well-rested, they'll function properly for defecation. If you stay up late at night and consume spicy foods like biryani, You may experience a burning sensation, dryness in the throat, and the need to urinate in the middle of the night. You'll also feel thirsty and have to drink water midnight.

These are common mistakes that disrupt your sleep. Avoid these mistakes, and you'll automatically enjoy sound sleep. Having an early dinner prevents throat dryness and reduces late-night urination. You won't have to urinate frequently at night, and you'll avoid dryness, thirst, and throat irritation.This is the most effective way to consistently achieve sound, undisturbed sleep.

Even for children as young as two to three years old, ensure they have an early dinner. This habit provides numerous health benefits for them. Ensuring that kids get sound sleep promotes their growth and strengthens their immunity. An early dinner for children not only prevents bedwetting but also brings numerous other benefits.


Hence, deep sleep is a fundamental requirement for good health. Remember the three principles I've discussed are crucial for achieving deep, restorative sleep.

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