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What are the disadvantages of boiling honey 2024? | H-for Health Online


What are the disadvantages of boiling honey 2024? | H-for Health Online 

Honey is the best definition of elixir, It is immortal. Any grain and any substance has an expiration date. But if you collect honey in the right way, it will not die, it will not expire. It will not rot for thousands of years. Making honey is one of the greatest assets of bees.

Let me tell you how honey is made?

Bees eat both the nectar and pollen in the flowers. Nectar and pollen are mixed with saliva and digestive juices in the stomach of the bees, and after digestion, honey is made in their stomach. Then, the bees carry the honey into the honey combs to store it.

(Also Read - How can I increase my saliva production?)

After honey bees pack the honeycomb with honey, they reduces the moisture and close the honeycombs with beeswax to preserve honey. They store honey to consume during rainy and cold season, when they can't collect nectar. They keep some honey outside and store the rest in the honeycombs.

This honey, made by bees in the honeycomb, will preserve forever, if collected properly without exposure to moisture. If the honey comb is cut properly and after extracting the honey, if the honey is dried in the sun, it will not spoil forever. Honey should be collected only after the beehives have been sealed with honey inside. 

If you collect honey without the bees sealing the honeycomb, the honey will ferment and rot. Honey is immortal if collected properly. Many people have doubts whether heating honey spoils it. Heating can destroy many of the original properties of honey.

Let us see what are the disadvantages of heating honey and why?

When honey is dried in the sun, some of its chemicals release out. It also removes all the moisture present in the honey. Hence, it preserves the honey forever and is the quality of the original honey. But all the branded honey companies with ISI mark in the market, are selling heated honey.

All these companies get honey from many local sellers. The use their hands to collect, even before the bees seal the honeycomb. Some companies also buy honey from local sellers who make honey in honey boxes. Honey collected from several vendors some amount of water content.

To remove it, companies use heated pipe equipment to heat the honey. Heating changes the color and flavor of the honey. So, honey manufacturers add color and flavor to heated honey and also, due to heating, honey preserves for a long time.

Since heating also spoils honey, these companies also add preservatives to it. This is what all honey companies do with honey sold under the ISI brand. All the honey selling companies follow the same method to process the honey.

These companies heat the honey and sell it to the customers. You may wonder if adding honey to sweets by heating causes any problems. Heating during processing destroys most of the properties of honey. 

It is a scientific fact that heating honey loses many of its properties.

When the honey is heated to 40 degrees, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties destroy. During the industrial processing of honey, it is heated to at least 60 to 70 degrees. Hence, the honey will lose all of the above mentioned properties.

Another disadvantage is that the enzyme invertase is damaged, when honey is heated to 40 degrees. When the enzyme invertase damages, the glucose and fructose in honey are quickly not converted into energy. The body uses the invertase to convert them quickly.


In the absence of invertase the conversion becomes slower. But the body needs the invertase to convert glucose and fructose. It is a proven fact that heating honey at 40 degrees destroys invertase. If the honey is heated more than 50 to 60 degrees, the sugars in the honey turn into artificial sugar.

Heating loses some of the original properties of honey. When honey is heated to over 50 degrees, the sugar in it turns into burnt sugar, caramel. Hence heating converts the original sugars to artificial sugars.

If honey is heated to 50 to 60 degrees, the natural properties of honey in it will also be lost. 

This is a scientifically proven fact. Natural sugars do not cause cough, inflammation, phlegm and mucus build up. The natural properties of sugars are also lost when heated. Because of this, those prone to mucus and phlegm production, tend to have higher production when they consume sugar and jaggery. 

If honey is heated above 60 degrees, the medicinal properties of the sugar in it will also be lost. It will be no more useful to cure tooth decay or any other infection. Even if it is applied on the gums, the infection on the gums will not decrease. 

When the honey is heated over 70 degrees, it turns into a syrup and the, enzymes, medicinal properties, antiviral and antibacterial properties in the honey are lost. This is not of much use to the body. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture USA has studied, the loss of all the properties when honey is heated. Honey bought in the market is heated, so it does not work on cuts and bruises. 

It does not have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Blood sugar levels may also increase when heated honey is consumed. Usually, honey does not lose its properties if it is dried without heating. Such honey is best to use for fasting, to cure wounds and injuries. It is also best for fasting, healing wounds, wounds and gum infection. 

You may wonder why we heat the honey during the making of sweets. 

By heating, the properties of honey are lost, but does not turn harmful. It's medicinal properties will come down. Honey is a natural sweetener that does not have any side effects even with heating. It does not cause mucus, phlegm build up, inflammation, cough like sugar.

Honey is also good to mix it with kheer, payasam and other sweet dishes. Add honey after taking the dish out of the stove once it cools down to luke warm. For dishes that need to be rolled into laddus while they are still hot, we heat honey. For making sweets like kova, honey will be heated more.

It will lose the benefits but does not cause any harm when heated. It loses the medicinal properties, but it is wrong that it becomes toxic. I always say that honey's benefits will come down with heating. Instead of sugar and jaggery, you can use honey to sweets that require heating.

Use pure honey that's only dried and not heated, in juices and fruits, you will gain all the original benefits of honey. It can be taken while fasting, mixed in fruit juices, other juices and sweet dishes. It can be directly mixed into the sweets.

This small amount of honey loses its medicinal properties but does not cause any harm. You need to understand when to heat honey, when not to heat it and what happens if you heat it. I hope you will use honey in the best way according to the understanding we provided.


Now I'll explain about pure original Royal Jelly Benefits..

Honey is highly valued as both food and medicine in natural health practices. Many people use honey extensively in various ways because of its versatility. Honeybees, which produce this valuable substance, are incredibly beneficial to humankind.

Their unique ability to produce honey is unmatched to any organism in nature. Not even viruses or bacteria can harm honeybees due to their robust body systems. Honeybees collect nectar from flowers and transform it into honey, along with carrying pollen.

In nature, honeybees play a crucial role in pollination and plant growth.

The queen bee oversees the honey-making process and ensures the production of quality honey. She must be healthy and lay high-quality eggs for this purpose. Royal jelly is the main food of the queen bee, essential for her reproductive duties. A queen bee eats only royal jelly which is like a royal food to it. 

It relies solely on royal jelly for laying eggs and feeding to increase the bee population. Even newborn bees rely on royal jelly for their growth and development. Royal jelly is secreted from the mouths of worker bees. A queen bee needs 3 grams of royal jelly, made from all the bees by about 3 grams per day. 

This substance is also fed to newly emerged bees to support their development. Royal jelly is sold in the market for 1000 to 2000 rupees per 100 grams. It acts strongly like a medicine. The royal jelly consumed by the queen bee offers many benefits to humans. 

1st benefit

Scientifically, royal jelly has been shown to help increase estrogen levels in women. The presence of trans-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid in royal jelly aids in estrogen increase. During menopause, estrogen levels decrease, leading to various side effects. These include reduced mental stability, increased mood swings, osteoporosis, body pains, and more.

Scientists have researched the usefulness of royal jelly for menopausal women. A study involved 42 menopausal women who were given 42 grams of royal jelly daily. The study has been conducted on them for about 12 weeks.

It was proven that the increase in estrogen levels helped alleviate all menopausal symptoms. Royal jelly helped them reduce back pain, mood swings, and increased bone strength, excessive sweating, and many other problems linked to menopause.

2nd benefit

The research was conducted by Japanese scientists, and the results were demonstrated in 2018. Another benefit of royal jelly is that it helps in the quick healing of wounds and injuries. Tissue repair and healing of injuries occur faster by 1.5 to 2 times with royal jelly.

The reason is that the application of royal jelly increases collagen production in the skin. Healthy collagen production prevents skin folds and stretching of the skin. Royal jelly increases collagen production, aiding in tissue repair and quick wound healing.

3rd benefit

Another benefit observed with taking 350 to 400 mg of royal jelly for about 12 weeks is a 28% reduction in LDL cholesterol and a 23% reduction in total cholesterol. This study proves that using 350mg of royal jelly for 12 weeks shows these results. Royal jelly is easily available in the markets; using it regularly helps in protecting against cholesterol. 


4th benefit

The fourth benefit is that royal jelly is being used to cure diseases related to memory loss. A study was conducted on 22 patients suffering from memory loss. This study, performed by Chinese researchers, proved that royal jelly helps in treating Alzheimer's disease.

22 patients consumed royal jelly regularly has been observed to cure down Alzheimer's disease. Even consuming royal jelly helps in preventing and delaying Alzheimer's disease in those who are about to get infected.

Royal jelly can also be used to prevent Alzheimer's in aged people over 60 years. Over production of protein named beta amyloid damages the brain cells and nerve cells. Royal jelly helps in reducing the secretion of beta amyloid, thus aiding in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

It is also beneficial for aged people suffering from Alzheimer's disease to use this royal jelly. This Chinese study demonstrated that consuming royal jelly for 12 weeks resulted in these outcomes.

5th benefit

The fifth benefit is that it is very effective for people suffering from blood pressure. It is proven that royal jelly protein 1 present in royal jelly helps in relaxing and dilating the blood vessels, thereby decreasing the overall blood pressure.

6th benefit 

Another benefit of eating royal jelly is that consuming 400 to 500 mg for about 12 weeks, is proven to remove bad cholesterol in the blood through bile juice. Also, it is observed to help prevent the reabsorption of cholesterol in the intestines.

Hence, royal jelly is useful for draining excess bad cholesterol from the body. As royal jelly has many benefits, it is also sold in the form of capsules. You can either use the capsules or simply consume 300 to 500 mg of jelly directly on a regular basis.


Consuming royal jelly regularly will provide all the benefits that I mentioned. Therefore, I suggest all naturopathy followers to consume royal jelly whenever available.

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