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What can mango powder be used for?

Mango powder

What can mango powder be used for?

Tamarind is commonly used for adding tanginess to dishes during cooking. It is a medicine that helps improve bowel movements and is a natural laxative. However, excessive daily consumption of tamarind can lead to. It will cause irritations in the intestines and many other problems.

It will also cause gastritis and can irritate the linings of the intestines.

Due to these potential drawbacks, it is advisable to limit its use in everyday cooking and reserve it for occasional use. For everyday tanginess in dishes, mango powder is a healthier alternative. Naturopathy followers can make mango powder at home and use it throughout the year.

You can use it throughout the year for a variety of dishes instead of tamarind. You have to realize that mango is a food, and tamarind is a medicine. Nature did not give tamarind to eat like a food but like a medicine.

Medicine should be used only if you have a health problem and should be avoided once the problem is solved. But mango is not a medicine; it is a food. These days mangoes that are sour are available throughout the year.

Whenever you get sour mangoes, get them cut into small pieces or slices. Place these mango slices on a cloth and allow them to sun-dry for about 4 to 5 days. Dried mango slices offer versatility in their use for cooking.

Store the dried mango slices in a jar and use them whenever needed incorporate dried mango slices into various recipes just like fresh mango, such as dal, gravies, greens, and more, to impart the same delightful taste.

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If you add the dried mango slices to dishes by storing in your home, they will impart the same taste as fresh mango to the dishes. In certain seasons when fresh mangoes aren't available in the market, You can dry the mangoes and include in cooking when they are not in season. This is one of the advantages of using dried mango slices in dishes.

Another method is to grind the mango slices finely in a mixer jar.

You can filter the mango powder and store it in a jar at home. For the coarse mango pieces, dry them for an additional day, grind them, and collect the powder. This way, you can make pure mango powder and store it at home. To prevent the mango powder from turning black, follow this tip:

Wash the mangoes properly, peel them, and slice them into small pieces. Similar to peeling potatoes for chips, peel the mangoes into very fine slices and then add turmeric into the slices. Add turmeric to the slices and coat them batch by batch.

Coat all the mango pieces with turmeric well and set them aside. Dry these mango pieces in the sun. When you mix turmeric powder with the mango pieces, they do not turn black. If you grind them into powder, the powder becomes colorful, having a light gold-yellowish hue.

Adding this mango powder to dishes will make them visually appealing. Usually, when old tamarind is used in dishes, it makes them dark, similar to dark mango powder.To make the mango pieces colorful, coat them with turmeric and powder them.

Mango powder

Also, mango powder does not develop any worms, change the smell, and does not form lumps.

Whenever you get sour mangoes in the season, buy mangoes and make mango powder and dried mango slices. This is the best option to replace tamarind for Naturopathy followers.

Usually, if you observe the dishes that are added with tamarind, they will need an excess amount of salt, oil, spices, and chili powder. Adding tamarind will make the need for these ingredients three times more. This is the property of tamarind.

That is why the dishes made out of tamarind will not spoil for 2 to 3 days. The dishes that do not have tamarind will start rotting by evening. The reason is that the dishes that have tamarind are added 2 to 3 times more salt to balance the sourness.

Another advantage of mango powder 

If you add them to dishes, they will slightly bring a flavor of adding salt. In the naturopathy method, it is advised not to add salt and oil. Moreover, if you add mango powder, you do not need salt, and it will slightly bring a salty taste. 

Along with sourness, as mangoes also have a slight bitter taste, they will cover the need for salt. Hence, add mango powder and dried mango slices into everyday cooking. This will make the dish tasty without any need for salt.

In many vegitarian hotels, they cook food for almost 600 to 700 members daily. They use mango powder a lot in dishes. Adding mango powder eliminates the need for salt and makes the dishes tasty. The people who visit the Ashram like the dishes added with mango powder a lot.

They also use Amla powder and raw tamarind powder in cooking. All these powders cover the need for salt very well, so use them at home. If you are making any snacks, add mango powder to enhance the taste. It works well in snacks made of puffed rice and flattened rice.

Even for making any variety of snacks, mango powder will cover the need for salt. You can add mango powder to any savory dishes, eliminating the need for additional salt. Even if you add mango powder to namkin, you won't require any extra salt.

While cooking regular vegetable stir-fries, you can add mango powder to cover the need for salt.

Unlike tamarind juice, which is not added to vegetable stir-fries., you can add mango powder to them. You can add mango powder into all varieties of recipes, including spice mix powders, as a substitute for tamarind. When making spice mix powders with sesame seeds, groundnuts, and curry leaves, add mango powder. 

Naturopathy followers should make mango powder at home and keep it. Although mango powder is available in stores, it often contains added salt. Usually, mango slices are mixed with salt, dried, and powdered before being sold. Some people also mix salt into mango powder and sell it. 

Do not purchase mango powder with salt; opt for a product without salt. Buy only mango powder without salt and use it in your cooking. As mentioned earlier, mango powder offers many health benefits when used as a replacement for tamarind.


Now I'll explain about the benefits of eating mangoes.

Elders say that seasonal diseases can be avoided by eating seasonal fruits. Eating seasonal fruits prevents seasonal diseases and many infections. Always remember that seasonal fruits prevent many seasonal health problems. Mangoes are available seasonally in summer. Generally viral and bacterial infections are more common in summer. 

Various other infections come in summer, Mangoes are very useful for prevention of infections in summer. In summer, thirst is high, so we drink any water available. Through water and air, many microorganisms enter the body. Mango is best to prevent the infections and boost immunity in summer.

Let's see what are the compounds in mangoes and how they are useful to the body according to scientific research.

Mangoes in particular contain a compound called mangiferin. This compound has a special benefit on damaged immune cells in the body. It helps damaged immune cells to repair themselves. Normally nerve cells cannot be repaired once they are damaged. Mangiferin is also very useful for damaged cells to repair themselves.

It is proven that the compound mangoferin is very useful for, repairing damaged immune cells in the body in the summer. Also, this compound supports the cells cleanse themselves. The compounds catechins in mangoes help prevent infections in the body.

This compound boosts immune cells and enables self-cleansing. Quercetin, a compound in mangoes, prevents inflammation in the body. There is also another special benefit of this compound. White blood cells are the body's defense cells. T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils are white blood cells.

To prevent inflammation and death of white blood cells, the compound quercetin has been shown to be useful. Rainy season starts soon after summer. Infectious diseases increase as the weather becomes windy and rainy. Most infections occur when the season changes from summer to rains.

During climate change people have diarrhoea, fever and many infections. Mangoes are available for two months even after the onset of monsoon in June. To prevent infections and inflammation, the quercetin compound in mangoes is very useful. Rhamnetin, another compound in mangoes, is very useful in keeping the heart healthy.

These days the heart is losing its pumping ability at a very young age in many individuals.

Obesity also causes the heart muscles to work harder as the heart has to pump more blood. Rhamnetin is very useful to prevent damage of heart muscles and keep them work longer. It activates the heart muscles and increases their pumping capacity. The heart muscles are stronger than any other muscle in the body.

They are the strongest in the body. The compound rhamnetin helps to keep the heart muscles healthy. The other compound mangeferin is also useful for the heart muscles. And the other two compounds in mangoes are lutein and zeaxanthin. They activate the mechanism to send signal when light falls on the retina in the eyes.


Hence, mango prevents retinal damage due to excessive light falling on the retina which is due to the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin compounds in mangoes. Along with this benefit, mango variety banginapalli eaten along with the skin is useful in treating constipation.

Amylase, an enzyme in mangoes, increases appetite and metabolism. It prevents food from fermenting in the intestines and prevents constipation. All these are scientifically proven benefits of mangoes. 100 grams of mangoes provide 74 calories of energy. 

Diabetics can also eat mangoes but not on a full stomach. 

Eat mangoes along with sprouts in the morning. Or replace one or two idlis with one mango. There is no harm in eating mangoes if you reduce your intake of other foods. Diabetics do not need to avoid mangoes, but should eat them sparingly.

You can eat mango in the evening along with fruits and dry nuts or else in the morning along with sprouts. It is very good for diabetics to eat mango with skin, instead of juice. Those who want to lose weight need not avoid seasonal mangoes. Eat pulka, sorghum roti or finger millet roti instead of rice.

If you cut down rice, you can lose weight. The you can eat mangoes. Those who want to lose weight eat 2 mangoes in evening meal along with other fruits like watermelon or muskmelon on a full stomach. All of them does not lead to weight gain. Eat mango instead of evening snacks.

Cut down the calories of snacks and replace them with mangoes. All these together will cool down the body. You will also lose weight with mangoes if you know how to take it the right way. People without any problem can even consume 1 kg of mango. Drink lots of water and lots of mangoes without hesitation.


Mangoes cool the body and boost immunity during summer. I wanted to tell you the benefits of mangoes so that you eat enough of them.

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