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What organ is most affected by salt? | H-for Health Online


What organ is most affected by salt? | H-for Health Online 

Most people enjoy the taste of salt. That's why you all often add excess salt to our cooking for flavor. The amount of salt you add to our food ends up inside our bodies. A significant portion of the salt you consume is absorbed into our bodies. Our bodies only need 300 to 400 milligrams of sodium to function properly.

From just 1 gram of table salt, we get about 40% sodium, which equals 400 mg. Consuming 1 gram of table salt provides enough sodium for our daily needs. You might think that all our sodium intake comes from external sources, but that's not true. Sodium is naturally present in many foods. It's found in vegetables, greens, fruits, tubers, nuts, and grains. 

All natural foods contain minerals, including significant amounts of sodium. That's why many animals don't need to consume salt separately. Various types of salt are sold, but animals don't consume any of them. Animals don't eat sea salt, rock salt, pink salt, black salt, Himalayan salt, or any other type of salt.

Then, where do animals get all this sodium and salt from?

When the animal eats its natural diet, It not only obtains natural nutrients but also natural minerals like sodium. Therefore, animals live without any mineral deficiencies in nature. The elephant, which lives for 90 to 100 years, does not consume any salt. Cranes migrate from Australia to Andhra Pradesh for Pulikat Lake and Kolleru Lake.

When they travel thousands of kilometers, do they carry any salt?

The salt their bodies need comes from the fish they eat, so they don't need external salt. A child drinks breast milk for 6 to 12 months. But breast milk isn't supplemented with salt or sugar for infants.

The milk also doesn't contain any artificial additives. Breast milk contains all the nutrients and minerals a baby needs. So, as you grow older, the food provided directly by Mother Nature is sufficient. Just as breast milk is complete nutrition for infants, Mother Nature's food is the best for the grown body. Animals thrive on natural food, which is enough for us too.

But do you know how many grams of sodium we consume for taste?

You consume 4 to 8 grams of sodium every day. When the body only needs 300 to 400 mg of sodium, you're consuming 4000 mg to 8000 mg. It's much more than the body actually needs. The sodium we consume for taste isn't just harmful to one organ. It damages every organ and affects every cell in the body.

The number one enemy causing many diseases and suffering in life is salt. It's like poison. I'll give you an example of how sages have tried to prevent salt intake knowing its harm. They called salt bad and a sin. If you're unaware, ask your ancestors. They said salt shouldn't be given to or taken from anyone.

They warned that consuming more salt would lead to having more debts. The words of a sage are never sinful, wasteful, or false. I've been preaching for over 30 years to avoid salt. Since 1993, when I started advocating against salt consumption, There have been people scolding me for teaching to avoid salt until 2015.

Many people nowadays see no harm in avoiding salt. Because even doctors from 10 to 15 years ago have been advising people to reduce salt intake. They recommend avoiding salt in buttermilk, regular cooking, pickles, and excessive salt in fryums.

The reason they advise avoiding salt is because it's very dangerous. They see many patients every day. Many cardiologists worldwide recommend avoiding salt. Salt is the primary cause of heart disease, cholesterol buildup, heart attacks, hypertension, kidney problems, and joint diseases.


The facts sages taught 3000 years ago about the dangers of salt are now supported by science and technology. At least from now on, avoid salt and stop cooking with it. You'll alleviate many associated diseases and won't need medication. You'll truly taste the flavor of health if you avoid salt; you'll taste the true flavor of life. 

You all know only the taste of salt, but not the true essence of health. I dare say that those who savor the taste of salt haven't truly tasted the essence of well-being. I can confidently assert that if you refrain from consuming salt, you'll discover the genuine flavor of life. You've witnessed one side of salt consumption, but I've experienced both sides.

Now I'll explain about the best healthy Antioxidant rich foods.

The word "antioxidant" became popular when COVID emerged. Before COVID, highly educated people and doctors knew about antioxidants and how they help our bodies. But, nowadays, even regular people know about antioxidants and how good they are for us.

These days, you get only a few of the most important antioxidants your bodies need to protect us. The more antioxidants we get, the safer we are from harm. Do you know what antioxidants are? They're good things that keep us healthy. 

Antioxidants are the compounds that help fix our tissues when they get damaged. When the bodies make chemicals, toxic compounds, toxins, and harmful free radicals like carcinogens, antioxidants are the substances utilized to eliminate these harmful compounds from the body

Now let us learn about different antioxidants which help us in many ways? I'll share info on various antioxidants and their benefits.

Antioxidants are micro nutrients, basically. There are many micro nutrients, but antioxidants are particularly known for their protective properties. They include Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc etc..

These are mainly known as antioxidants, among others, these are the key ones. These essentials antioxidants are in lots of foods we eat. There's no food without vitamin C and vitamin A. 

While many foods have these antioxidants, you are not getting them enough because you often choose foods based on taste, cravings, and your likes. The antioxidants are lost with the way you process, cook the food.

These antioxidants are also lost when stored in the fridge. Even though foods have antioxidants, cooking removes or reduces them entirely. So, when food is cooked, heated or fried, the antioxidants might decrease or vanish.

Even just warming food a little can lower antioxidants. Most of you usually have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. And often prefer our food cooked for all these meals.

You got used to this habit, and the delicious flavors make you keep doing the same thing. When dealing with different health problems, people don't question their choices or the cause.

Eating just cooked food is a huge mistake. Having only cooked meals four times a day can cause early health issues and make you age faster. Eating just cooked food is the main reason for decreasing body immunity and increases chemicals, free radicals, and toxins which leads to cancer, autoimmune diseases, and chronic diseases.


Having cooked food for all four meals, the first thing you lose is antioxidants and micronutrients. Most of you add salt and oil to cooked food to make it taste better. Eating this way a lot can lead to too much salt and oil in the body.

Losing nutrients and antioxidants, plus eating too much salty and oily food, are both big problems. A lot of health issues happen because of losing antioxidants and eating too much salt and oil. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, like natural foods, can help solve these problems.

All natural foods from nature as given are full of antioxidants. The more natural foods you have in your daily diet, the better your protection will be. No one else will help protect you other than your diet and habits. Ultimately, the only way to protect yourself is to take action; no one can do it for you.

Doctors can treat you once you're sick, but they can't prevent diseases for you. You can't expect a doctor to stop diabetes, heart attacks, joint wear, or obesity for you. No science or doctors can prevent these health issues. Even doctors can get sick and need to see other doctors.

Doctors can't always keep their families or kids from getting sick. Change starts with a person deciding to improve their diet and lifestyle. 

Fixing your eating habits is the first step towards transformation. This is how you get healthier and strengthen your immunity. There’s no alternative way to maintain your health. You might have tried all sorts of foods, eating maybe four times a day, for many years. Your quota for trying different tasty foods is already fulfilled.

To live healthily from now on, you must focus on an antioxidant-rich diet. So, aim to have about 60 to 70% of your meals consist of raw or homemade dishes. Instead of coffee, tea, or milk in the morning, opt for a 250 ml glass of vegetable juice. Even if you have diabetes, vegetable juice is fine.

After having juice, wait for 30 minutes to an hour before enjoying 2 to 3 varieties of sprouts and fruits on a full stomach. Consider this your breakfast. And please, don't ask me if you can have idli and dosa afterward; you've had enough of them for a lifetime.

Have cooked food for lunch, but in the evening, go for fruit juice, coconut water, or sugarcane juice. Around 6 pm, have a natural diet like soaked dry nuts, dry fruits, and fruits. Soaked dry nuts are rich in antioxidants, so it's best to include them in your diet.

After having them, eat some fruits. Incorporate 35% natural food into your morning and 35% into your evening meals, totaling 70% of your daily diet. This will provide the necessary antioxidants for your body. As a result, you'll avoid sickness and reduce the risk of cancers and chronic diseases.


A natural diet greatly aids in healing existing ailments and maintaining long-term health. Therefore, I recommend following the diet and lifestyle suggestions I've provided to ensure your health for years to come.

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