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Does eating fatty foods lower stress?

Junk food

Does eating fatty foods lower stress?

In earlier days, oil was added to food products, but nowadays, oil is poured into food products. On average, it is seen that humans are consuming 50 to 60 grams of oil per day. Food products fried or deep-fried in oil can be stored, and they remain tasty and crispy, which is why everyone likes them. You all consider these fried foods as a primary food and eat them every day.

These days, instead of deep-frying in oil, people are deep-frying food in ghee and enjoying sweets made with ghee because of the taste. When it comes to hotels, restaurants, and roadside food trucks, they use hydrogenated vegetable oil as it is cheaper for making fried rice and Biryani. They use hydrogenated vegetable oil because it's cheaper for making fried rice and biryani.

Eating such high-fat foods leads to stress and anxiety.

Scientific studies have proven a direct link between consuming these foods and mental stress. You might wonder about the connection between food and mental stressYes, there is a direct connection. Let's see it in detail. When oil is heated, its temperature rises to 250 to 260 degrees Celsius.

Oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil don't boil until the temperature is very high. We don't add tempering or fry items until the temperature is very high. The fats present in the oil get damaged when exposed to high heat. These damaged fats are known as trans fats. Damaged fats are the trans fats.

They're also known as hard fats; they become very hard. These damaged fats enter our bodies through food. With dishes like various fritters, samosa, or vada are deep-fried in oils, the trans fats go into our bodies along with them.

Now, let's discuss the disadvantages of consuming these trans fats.

The first disadvantage is, after eating these foods, during digestive process the good bacteria present in the intestines are killed because of these trans fats present in them. Due to eating fried and deep-fried foods, the count of good bacteria decreases and bad bacteria increases.

Do you know why low good bacteria and high bad bacteria cause stress and tension? The secretion of hormones controlling stress and tension happens in the intestines. Mainly, 90% of serotonin and 50% of dopamine are secreted in the intestines. These two hormones prevent stress and anxiety. This is how our body is affected.

The reserves of serotonin and dopamine hormones decrease in the body. When there is a lack of these hormones, nerves supply information from the brain to other organs and back from organs to the brain. Serotonin and dopamine help regulate the frequency at which this data is transferred.

Junk food
Due to a decrease in dopamine and serotonin reserves, The nerve cell activity becomes hyperactive. It goes out of control, and the nerve activity speeds up. Due to a lack of serotonin and dopamine which help regulate the mood, the anxiety and stress levels increases. Hence there is a direct link between them.
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If there is an increase in anxiety and stress due to eating bad food, to reduce the stress and anxiety, to calm you down, and to bring you to a normal state from the hyperactive and irritable state, there is another hormone to do that, It is called the GABA hormone. GABA hormone is also known as the calming hormone.

The GABA hormone tries to calm you down.

These high-fat foods don't allow the GABA hormone to work properly. Receptors for the GABA hormone are present on nerve cells to make them work. Due to high-fat foods, the GABA hormone receptors on nerve cells get damaged, So the GABA hormone doesn't function correctly. As a result, the GABA hormone cannot reduce stress and anxiety levels.

These days, anxiety and stress levels are increasing from a young age due to these reasons. Another reason is when fried, deep-fried, and roasted foods are eaten, These high-fat foods cause the cortisol hormone to be released in excess. Cortisol is a stress hormone. If cortisol is released in excess, stress and anxiety levels increase.

Depression is also a result of excess cortisol secretion. So, cortisol is one reason for increased anxiety and stress. Another major reason is the consumption of high-fat foods. the immune cells in the brain protect brain cells and nerve cells. When we eat fried and deep-fried foods, the microglial cells that protect brain and nerve cells can become damaged.

These immune cells in the brain get harmed, leading to reduced protection for brain and nerve cells against inflammation. As a result, this can lead to memory loss at a young age and cause the brain to shrink. Damage to these cells can result in nerve-related diseases like Parkinson's, causing long-term suffering even in young people.

Another problem is that high-fat foods increase inflammation in the body. Eating fried and deep-fried foods lacks essential nutrients and creates reactive oxygen species and free radicals. These substances enter the body and cause inflammation. This inflammation damages the nerve cells or neurons in the body.

When nerve cells are damaged, it affects the system that transmits signals and conducts nerve impulses. This inflammation is also a key reason for increased anxiety and stress levels. High-fat foods create many disadvantages for our health. Studies have shown that foods deep-fried in oil can lead to stress and anxiety.

Each of these disadvantages has been scientifically proven in various studies. I’m sharing all the results of these scientific studies. Just like in the past, eating deep-fried foods like fritters during festivals, weddings, or special occasions doesn’t cause harm. However, eating tasty, deep-fried foods every day can lead to various problems at a young age.

These days, we see that children are becoming addicted due to mental stress. They are getting hooked on drugs, attempting suicides, and facing different issues. They are suffering from mental health problems. Think about it—there is a direct link to unhealthy foods.

Now I Explain about which type of foods you need to completely avoid for reducing stress and increase the good harmones.


Hormones are very important for the functioning of the body. But, hormones are required in very small quantities. A little amount of curd is enough to turn 100 liters of milk into curd. Just little amount of curd is sufficient to change the whole milk. Similarly, a small amount of hormones is sufficient for the body. Despite their small quantities, hormones control and regulate the entire body.

There are two types of hormones in the body: good hormones and bad hormones. Good hormones are released when we are happy, relaxed, and laughing. These happy hormones include serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These are released when we are joyful and active. When these hormones are released, our body functions smoothly, like a well-greased bearing.

Nerves help in transporting of information from the brain to the organs and also in transport of information from organs to the brain. These happy hormones, dopamine and serotonin, help regulate the electrical transmissions in nerves. These two hormones are released most importantly when we are happy.

However, we cannot always be happy.

Due to the lack of production of these hormones, many people suffer from nerve-related diseases. Stress, tension, anxiety, and depression result from low production of these hormones. Therefore, these hormones should be produced in adequate amounts. Mental stress from work and other activities prevents sufficient production of these hormones.

If you're happy, happy hormones are released, but often, life situations do not support constant happiness. Are there any ways to increase production of happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin? These days scientists proved that there is one best way to increase the production of these hormones.

They proved that these hormones are produced more in intestines than in brain 50% of dopamine is produced in the intestines. 90% of serotonin is produced in the intestines. So, these two hormones are primarily produced in the intestines. When these hormones are produced in large amounts, your body becomes healthier.

You will have a better chance of staying happy without stress and anxiety.

To stay calm and happy, and to boost hormone production in the intestines, you need certain things. These good hormones are produced by the good bacteria present in the intestines. There are 3,000 types of bacteria living in our intestines. Both good and bad microorganisms are present in the intestines.

The conditions in the intestines should be such that more bad microorganism colonies do not develop. Good microorganisms should be developed in larger numbers. If good microorganism colonies increase, the immunity in the intestines increases. The environment in the intestines becomes healthy.

The immunity in our body becomes stronger. A high number of good bacteria leads to production of large amounts of serotonin and dopamine. They grow in greater numbers if good food is provided to them. Their number should be high and for that you should consume good food. The good food that helps increase good bacteria and the secretion of dopamine and serotonin.

The number one food needed for this is fiber-rich food. Food that is rich in fiber is important. You are consuming foods that are not rich in fiber. These foods include white rice, white semolin, refined flour, and white sugar. All these white products contain zero fiber. Animal products also have zero fiber.


Chicken, prawns, crab, eggs, milk, and meat don't contain any fiber.

Eating such foods in large quantities is common. We eat pulses, like green gram, red gram, but they are all generally polished. Due to polishing, the fiber in them is removed. Without fiber-rich food, good bacteria do not grow, and bad bacteria flourish. That is why fiber-rich foods should be eaten.

You should cook and eat rice from unpolished grains. Unpolished grains can be made into red semolina. Unpolished grains can be ground into flour also and used. Seeds that are rich in fiber include almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

They are rich in nutrients and are natural foods. They help the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines. Eating these foods helps reduce stress and anxiety, so they should be taken regularly. When it comes to fruits, over-ripened but not spoiled fruits are rich in good bacteria. After preparing curd, keep it outside for four to five hours.

Eating slightly sour curd increases the production of good bacteria. 

Even the gruel of rice, stored in a pot for five to six days, helps increase good bacteria in the gut. It is better to cook vegetables like bottle gourd, ridge gourd, and raw bananas when they are tender, without peeling the skin. These vegetables help increase good bacteria in the gut, so try to eat them every day. 

Certain foods can increase bad bacteria and decrease good bacteria in the gut. These include foods cooked in overheated or over-charred oil. Foods with added colors, flavors, preservatives, and acids, or those mixed with too much sugar, also contribute to this problem. Cool drinks, chocolates, biscuits, ice creams, fast food, and junk food are all highly acidic.

These foods increase bad bacteria in the intestines and reduce good bacteria. Eating high-fat and highly processed foods decreases the number of good bacteria. This reduction of good bacteria can prevent the production of dopamine and serotonin in intestines. 

Lower levels of these hormones in the body can lead to stress and anxiety. All these facts are scientifically proven. People often overlook how the food they eat can affect their happiness. It is always best to eat healthy foods three times a day.


Try to eat a diet rich in antioxidants, including fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and vegetables, to prevent these issues. I recommend eating satvik food to cultivate a satvik mind, which will help you be happy and free from irritations.

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